More friends?

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    The house was finished in 2 hours, the gnome was great at it's job. The house was a gingerbread house with pale yellow, light purple, magenta, and white frosting accents. It was right next to a dark red gingerbread house with black frosting as accents and also next to a light brown gingerbread house with white accents and hearts around.
    "Thank you so much once again!" Y/N said to the gnome.
    "Mhm," the gnome left Y/N and went back to it's house. Y/n entered their new home, which was furnished. It was small, only having one bedroom. The kitchen and living room was one room with one side being the kitchen and the other the living room. A familiar sense of home came rushing to Y/N, they hadn't had an actual house in a while and Y/N loved having their own little space.

    Despite loving the house, they left it to explore and meet other cookies in the kingdom. They passed the park where they saw Custard and a bunch of his friends running and laughing with each other while a cookie with purple hair watched them on a bench. Custard saw Y/N and began waving them to him.
    "Hello, Custard! Are you having fun?" Y/N asked when she was near him.
    "Mhm! We're having sooo much fun!"
    "That's marvelous to hear!"
"Yes, the king shall always have fun!"
"He should, now go back to your friends."

"I didn't know Custard had a mother," a voice said. Y/N turned around and was greeted by Blackberry with ghosts surrounding her.
"No, no, I'm not his mother. I'm Y/N," Y/N introduced, sticking their hand out.
"Blackberry," the other cookie said. The two shook hands. They began talking, BlackBerry saying Onion was her daughter along with the fact Adventurer was her husband.
"Did you ever date anyone?" BlackBerry asked.
"I dated Dark Cacao cookie for a month or so. But I had a crush on Pure Vanilla," Y/N said with a shrug.
"Right... I'm one of the heroes."
"And you dated Dark Cacao cookie?"
"Oh, well I didn't expect that."

And then a kid came up to Y/N, they had pink hair with robotic waffle things that made them look taller.
"So you're one of the heroes?"
"Well my soul jelly was graced so yeah!"
"I see, how are you not dead?"
"Oh during the final battle I wasn't there and frankly didn't know about it."
"Do you know who Dark Enchantress is?"
"Are you lying?"
"Nope! Why don't you go play with the other kids?"
"They're boring."

Y/N and Strawberry Crepe talked for a little while longer before Y/N waved goodbye to them and BlackBerry. They ventured for a little bit before seeing Espresso cookie.
"You're one of the heroes that specializes in magic, right?"
"That I am! Why do you ask?"
"I need some help, I'd like you to see my magic circle."

Espresso led Y/N to his house and began demonstrating his circle. "Oh wow, I've never seen something like that before. It's beautiful."
"Thank you. I'm the pioneer to coffee magic and I figured getting help from the magic expert would be useful."
"I'll help in anyway I can!"
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow if that's alright?"
"Of course!"
"Also, could you please find Madeleine tell him he left one of his hair clips here."
"Yeah sure!"

Y/N went off in search of the light magic using cookie. They found him over by his alter and tapped his shoulder. "Hello! Espresso wanted me to give this to you!"
"Ah thank you."
"Yeah you left it at his house."
"Figured. Thank you for bringing this to me."
"No problem!"

Y/N went around and saw Princess cookie. "Hello!" She said.
"Who are you?" Princess asked.
"My name is Y/N, you're Hollyberry's granddaughter, right?"
"...yes that's right, why?"
"Me and hollyberry used to know each other."
"Really? You knew Hollyberry?"
"I did!"
"Well that's interesting."

After a couple minutes Y/N left Princess and went over to the village where they saw Vampire coming out of his house.
"I know for a fact you're not going to the bar again," Y/N said.
"Ah! I mean, hey Y/N. And who are you to judge me?"
"I'm not judging, I'm just stopping you."
"Well that's not really any better."
"How about we enjoy a glass of hot chocolate at my place?"
"You have a house?"
"Mhm! C'mon let's go!"

(Not proofread)
Sorry I didn't update and this was short. I'm slowly running out of ideas, but ayyy
Also little headcannon that Strawberry crepe uses their wafflebots to appear more intimidating and strong!

Yours Truly, and sincerely (Cookie run x reader)Where stories live. Discover now