Vanilla Kingdom

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!!Fuck the lore!!

    The morning sky greeted Y/N and Healer as they stepped out of the tent, the light dancing on their face and slightly blinding them if too close to their eyes. They walked over to where the rest of the cookies were, Chili continuously wiggling her eyebrows at the two of them.
    "There it is, Vanilla Kingdom," Y/N said with a small smile on her face, the memories of the once familiar kingdom flashed through her brain as she reminisced.
    "You seem to be quite fond of this place," Healer pointed out.
    "Well yeah, I was here practically everyday for a while, then I went to school with the king and we then got in a fight and I just stopped coming," Y/N replied, their smile fading, "and then the final battle..." she trailed off, her mind darting to things she could've done to help.
    "That was all in the past," Black Raisin interrupted, "me and Healer are here to stop the wafflebots for the good of our village."
    "Yes, yes, let's pack up our things and carry on," Y/N replied, happy to have been pulled from her thoughts. The team of seven packed up the tents and food and set off on their journey once more.

    They stood at the actual gates to it and Gingerbrave excitedly said, his arms in the air,"We finally made it to the Vanilla Kingdom!"
    This time, it was custard's turn to be excited, as his arms were also now in the air, "Behold, denizens of the Vanilla kingdom! I, Custard Cookie, third of this name, a descendant of the king, have come! Sound the fanfare!"
    "This place.." Y/N mumbled, the bittersweet familiarity of the large, pointed purple roofs and the waffle cones that held the castle up. Yet the sweetness of the memories and life once shared here. Loud, bustling streets with merchants and children laughing and playing, pets barking and hissing, people living their lives deteriorated into blank and empty streets with no sign of life, the only sight being of crushed waffle cones and abandoned buildings.

    "The vanilla kingdom is grandest of all kingdoms!" Custard said, while Y/N was trapped in her thoughts, once again, he and Gingerbrave must've been having their own conversations.
    "That's right, dear, as much as I'd love to sit and talk about how absolutely, mind baffling the Vanilla Kingdom was, we have a job to do," Y/N said, putting a gentle hand on Custard's shoulder. Healer noticed Y/N's distant actions, and how both their staffs seem to have been drifting further away from each other, unlike the super close proximity they usually are.
    "It's a bit.. different than I imagined," Strawberry spoke up, her quiet shy voice hardly heard by anyone.
    "Strawberry cookie," Healer said, Strawberry seemed to have sunk back deeper into her hood, "do you feel that way as well? I sense a hint of... yes, something in the air."
    Chili, not really caring for anything other than treasure, began speaking, "All I can smell is hidden treasures! Now, where are they? It's time for the heist of the century!"
    "Do not forget why we are here. You may look around, but we must keep our guard up," Black Raisin said. Her eyes were constantly darting around the area, trying to ensure the safety of herself and the rest of the team.
    "Hey, you, Kiddo," Chili said, "Mustard or Custard, whatever your name is. Here's a red carpet, just like the one you're always chanting about."

    "Well now, it's perfect for a kings grand entrance! An excellent find, ha ha!" Custard said, giggling, "right, Y/N?" He beamed to brightly at her it seemed like the sun was staring directing into her soul.
    A smile, albeit small, found its way to Y/N's lips, she ruffled Custard hair (mindful of his crown), "yes, it is a marvelous find. Perfect fit for a king like you.."
    Custard giggled once more and turned his attention to Gingerbrave and Strawberry cookie. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Healer tentatively asked, reaching his hand for hers.
    Y/N winced and turned to face Healer, "everything is fine, Healer, I'm just a little tired." She grabbed both his hands and forced a big smile on her face.
    "Are you sure? You can tell me anything.."
    "I'm sure, we're here for your village and my friend's adventures, let's focus on that and not on me, ok?"
    "Ok.." Healer brought one of her hands to her face and kissed it, a small, genuine smile graced both their lips as the group continued on.
Not proofread
Writing this with the reward of food being held over my head by my own brain soooo yeah!

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