Waking up

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!!fuck the lore!! ALSO! If you couldn't already tell, the cookies are humanized and have the same organs and such as humans.
Cw// slightly suggestive content in the beginning(chili says it tbf)

    Y/N woke up in Healer's arms, which were wrapped around her waist. A small, faint blush spread across her face as Healer pulled her closer and nuzzled his face in her neck. A shadow loomed over the front of the tent, startling Y/N a bit. They shook Healer a bit to wake him up.
    "Healer, someone's here.." she muttered softly, her voice quiet as she was still drowsy.
    "hm? Just two more minutes, my love..ly friend," healer murmured back, nuzzling even further into Y/N's neck.
    Y/N blushed further, "H-healer please." Healer seemed to have fully woken up as he now separated himself from Y/N and tried hiding his blush beneath his hands.
    "M-my friend I am so sorry for my actions. Please forgive me..." healer said, his voice muffled from his hands covering his face. Just then chili barged in.
    "It's fine, Healer. Don't worry about it.." Y/N replied, although she did want more of his touch.
    "Hope I didn't interrupt anything~" Chili suggestively said.
    "Nothing like that," Y/N said, it was now her turn to cover her face in embarrassment.
    "Sureee, anyways! Gingerbrave and Black Raisin wants everyone up in 5 minutes," chili said, "I'm sure that's long enough for a quickie~"
    "Chili get out!" Y/N shouted playfully, throwing the blanket towards her. Chili zipped the tent back up and walked off.
    "Uhm, what's a quickie?" Healer asked. The question shocked Y/N.
    "Nope, nope, nope! We're not having this conversation," Y/N replied.
    "Oh well, shall we get ready?" Healer asked.
    "Probably.." Y/N replied with a shrug. They grabbed their corset, which they had taken off so sleeping would be comfortable, "do you mind helping me with this, Healer?"
    "How do I uh help?"
    "Basically you just have to tie it and tighten it, think you can do that for me, dear?"
    "Yes." He replied with barely any hesitation. Y/N put the corset on as Healer sat, on his knees, in front of Y/N and began to tighten the corset.
    "That's good," Y/N said. Healer nodded and began tying the corset, "thank you, healer. You're very good to me."
    Healer stood up and dusted his knees off, "of course, anything to help you."
    "Let's go see the others," Y/N said, grabbing healer's hand as the two walked outside.
(Not proofread)
I'm sorry it's short, as in under 500 words short. But god I hate writing lore word for word but if I don't do that then I feel like a failure kinda?? Anyways, if you're confused on the corset part, yes the tent is large enough for the two to stand, yes the corset is a front tying one Y/N could've easily done themself but decided not to.
ANOTHER ANYWAYS I'm thinking about making a high school au where I don't have to focus on lore and have it actually have frequent updates so please let me know if you guys would be interested in it <33

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