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!!fuck the lore, made my own bc I'm a girlboss!!

    After Y/N had calmed down enough from the crystal memory, the team went further into the kingdom. Black Raisin looking behind them every 5 seconds to make sure they weren't being followed. It was like a nice walk with friends, except less talking and more defeating wafflebots.
As the team drew nearer to the castle, Y/N began to have a pounding headache. Their ears ringing as they quickly handed their stuff to Healer and put both her hands over her ears. It became unbearable as they began pounding on their head, tears forming in her eyes. Healer made sure no one saw her like this, forcing everyone to go ahead of them and saying he'd look out for Black Raisin.
"Darling? Are you ok?" He asked, his voice soft and comforting. Y/N shook her head, the pain making her unable to speak.
"Should I try my healing?" Healer asked, Y/N quickly nodded.
"P-please," she pleaded. Healer put his hands over hers and closed his eyes, his healing working as the ringing stopped.

"Th-thank you," Y/N sighed, grabbing her staff and connecting hers and Healers hand.
"No problem, friend," he smiled to her. They caught up with the group as they had fallen a little behind.

"Look!" Gingerbrave said, pointing to something a little bit in the distance.
"Is that..?" Y/N trailed.
"A wafflebot hanger." Black raisin confirmed. Her voice stern and her eyes cold as she stared at the hanger in the distance.
"We can head there tomorrow, it's getting late," Healer said, looking at the darkening sky.
"But if we get there sooner than we can save our village sooner! If we defeat the hanger than surely we'll save the village for good, right?!" Black Raisin replied.

"Let's just sleep, I want to get home soon too. I know our people and they'll be ok a day longer," Healer said with a smile. Raisin hesitated before nodding.

The team set up their tents and began laying down. Healer and Y/N were the last to fall asleep as they were talking, a lot. But eventually Healer got tired and said his good nights, Y/N following soon after him as she took her corset off and laid down and fell asleep.

She opened her eyes and looked around, she wasn't in her tent anymore. She stood up and realized she was at Blueberry Yogurt Academy, her old school.
"You guys better graduate soon!" The voice of Hollyberry said, her contagious smile made Y/N have one of her own on her face. She walked closer to the voice and saw all 5 of the heroes, and even a younger version of herself with them.
"School is soooo boring, I feel sorry for you guys," Golden Cheese said with a yawn, flying around the students.
"School is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person," Pure Vanilla replied.
"Dearest, you sound like a nerd, politely," younger Y/N said, making Y/N giggle a bit.

But the moment to laugh was short as the memory contorted into something from her nightmares. The heroes were suspended into the air with strings, their faces melting as they cried for mercy from someone Y/N couldn't see. Tears pricked in her eyes as she heard them call her name.
"Y/N please save us," Dark Cacao muttered before the strings broke and the heroes fell to the floor, keeling before Dark Enchantress.
"Cacao!" Y/N shouted, "I'm sorry, I'm here, I'm here!" Y/N ran to the bodies on the floor and tried shaking them awake.
"no, no, NO! Please.. someone wake up.. Cacao.. Vani.. Lily.. Holly.. Gold.. anybody," Y/M broke down crying near Pure Vanilla and Dake Cacao.

"How strong we're those shroomies.?" A muffled voice asked. Y/N quickly turned their head and saw a group of four people. One looked like a kid and had a mushroom hat, another had dark robes, another looked like Dark Cacao, and the last was the brightest of the four with her main color being red.
"W-who are you guys?" Y/N sniffled, the robed one only shrugged.
"Eh, disciples, helpers, servants," he replied, "though it seems you were rather close to our friend's here dad."
"Dark Cacao? Y-yeah, we were close.. dated actually," Y/N said, "are you doing this? Why??" Y/N's answer to the question robe guy asked seemed to shock the tall one with long black hair and a scar over his eye.
"Well 3 of us didn't cause this, we uh told him to do it though so," robes shrugged again.
"Shut up, licorice," Ms Red said, glaring at robes. Robes seemed to look away to the ground and rolled his eyes.

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