Black Raisin Cookie

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    The cookies walked a little further and ran into Black Raisin again. She was talking to one of the villagers.
    "Sorry im late," Black Raisin said to the villager, "But im here now. Everything is going to be fine."
    "We made it...!" The villager said, referring to them surviving the stampede of Vanilla Cones, "some are in rough shape but if it wasn't for you..!"
    "The wafflebots are more aggressive than usual..! But... it's gotten quiet. I wonder what's happened to those outlanders," Black Raisin pointed out.
    "YOU!" Chili shouted, her voice piping hot with rage as she spoke to Black Raisin, "You used us as bait!"
    "Outlanders!" Black Raisin gasped surprised, "How did you manage to get past the wafflebots?"
    "We defeated them in a glorious battle!" Custard answered, a smile on his face as he lifted his staff to the sky.
    "Heck yeah we did!" Y/N said, giving the boy behind her a high five.
    "They defeated... the wafflebots?" The villager asked.
    "I don't believe you. It must be some kind of trick. Are you in their side?!" Raisin asked, her crow perched on her arm.
    "Huh?!" Chili shouted she stepped forward before continuing, "Say that again ya-"

    "Wait!" Y/N shouted, trying to diffuse the fight , "We're just like you, soft on the inside and crispy on the outside!"
    "There's no ice cream flowing through our dough.." Strawberry added meekly.
    "Hmm... I can see that," Raisin replied, "You are indeed a group of baked cookies. Delicately baked, at that."
    "Yes, we mean to harm to-" Y/N started, but was cut off.
    "But I know better than to trust an outlander. You will prove your honestly to me." Black Raisin said.
    "Easily! What must we do?" Gingerbrave asked.
    "Simple task: eat this," she replied, handing the 5 a raisin bun.
    "EW! Raisin buns!" Chili said, "bleargh, take them away from me!"
    "Knew it! Picky-eating outlanders are not to be trusted," Black Raisin replied.

    "Get out of my sight! Now!" Raisin shouted to the group. The villagers behind her began shouting a battle cry and chanting, "Outlanders begone!"
    "Seriously?! All this because of stupid raisin bread?" Chili groaned.
    "We should've just eaten the bread..." Y/N muttered in defeat, a drowsy expression on their face as they practically admitted to defeat.
    "Take cover! Everyone, over here!" Gingerbrave shouted. The team ran and hid from Raisin and her villagers. After a while Black Raisin had caught up to them.

    "GOT YA!" Raisin shouted after she found them. The villagers let out a battle cry and shouted, "Surround them!"
    "HMPH! It's gonna take more than that to stop us!" Chili replied cockily. The team then ran even further.
    "Wait! No not that way!" Raisin shouted, but it was too late. The team ran and beat the vanilla cones that got in their way. Then they stumbled upon someone with short blond hair that was dirty at the tips. He wore a light brownish-grey hood cape with brown robes. He carried a staff that was covered in bandages, and so were his eyes. As soon as Y/N saw hun their eyes widened, a feeling of familiarity washed over them.
    "ENOUGH!" The man shouted.
(Not proofread)
This is so short I'm so sorry

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