Houses and interrogations

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Gingerbrave led Y/N to Almond cookie's office, he said his goodbyes and left Y/N alone in a chair waiting to be interrogated by Almond. A couple minutes later Almond cookie came in with two cups of coffee. "Seeing as I have no reason to believe you are a disciple of Dark Enchantress Cookie I've brought you some coffee," Almond said, setting the drink on the table in front of her.
"Oooo thank you! I love coffee! I remember when Vani's maids would make me the most deliciously sweet coffee," Y/N replied, taking the coffee and drinking half of it in one go.
"Who is Vani?"
"Oh right- His real name is Pure Vanilla, I'm one of the Heroes, well kinda. I wasn't very active and spent most of the time on my island!"
"Aster Cookie, right?"
"Please refer to me as Y/N."
"Ok, Y/N, so you knew Pure Vanilla? I assume that means you know White Lily and the rest of the heroes?"
"Yes. Golden Cheese, Dark Cacao, Hollyberry. The 6 of us were friends, kinda.? Me, Lily, and Vani weren't on great terms."

Y/N went on to tell Almond cookie the same things she had already told the regulars back at the bar. "So that's my life story! DE cocooned me on my island and yeah! But it's fine, Gingerbrave and his team saved me so I hold no malice against DE on that circumstance, but I'll never forgive her after the final battle."
"So you're not upset about being cocooned?"
"Vani had always told me holding grudges would only do you wrong. And, despite our fight, I still respect him and I'd like to keep his ideals close to me."
"Ah I understand, thank you for talking with me. You're now free to go."
"Ok thank you sir! I'll be seeing you around!"

Y/N left Almond's office and walked around the kingdom, they saw Sparking dragging Herb and Vampire out of the bar. "I told you enough, now look at your sorry selves," Sparking sighed.
"It's fineeee, Sparksss," Vampire said, "I coulddd go for *hiccup* another drink~~"
"I'm sorry, Sparkling. Your drinks are just so good!" Herb cried.
"Oh, Y/N! Would you mind taking these two home?" Sparkling asked with a sigh, looking at his two friends and then back to Y/N.
"Of course!"
"You're a lifesaver, thank you so much. Your next drink is free."
"It's no problem! Don't worry about it!"

Sparkling smiled and went back inside his bar. Y/N picked vampire up on their back and used their plant magic to form a platform of Floating Daisies and put Herb on it. They made sure Vampire was secure on their back and they pushed Herb on his little platform. Herb was passed out and Vampire was only a little awake.
"You're soooo pretty." Vampire said.
"Oh uh, thank you, Vampire. Where is Herb's house?"
"The one with the vines and yellow and red flowers on it."
Y/N pushed the platform to Herb's house and opened the door, which was surprising unlocked. They found Herb's bed and set him down on it.
"Alright, so where's your house?"
"My house is the one with the exploded window with some black ash around it. Alchemist still hasn't cleaned it after I told her, multiple times."
"You have a sister?"
"Yeah, we're like opposites though, she's all smart and I'm all.. well me."
"You're pretty smart too."
"Eh, not as much as her. But thanks."

Y/N arrived at the house with the broken window and ash. They opened the door which, again, was unlocked. Vampire led the way to his room and Y/N set him in his bed, which was a king sized coffin.
"Well I'll be going."
"You don't have to~~"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and I'm going to leave."

Y/N left the house and wondered where they were going to stay, seeing as they had just gotten there and had no home to live in. They noticed Gingerbrave and waved him over.
"Hey hey! I was wondering where I would live?"
"Well I'm not going to be much help but you can talk to a gnome about getting you a house."
"Oh alright thank you!"
"No problem, see you."

Y/N found a gnome and began talking plans about their house. "I was wondering if you could make me a house?"
"Yes I can do that. What do you want it to look like and where should it be?"
"Could it be purple, white, magenta and pale yellow?"
"Yes, yes. It'll be in that village over there, next to red velvet and latte."
"Ok thank you so much!"

(Not proofread)

I was wondering if you guys would want some other relationships other than just Pure Vanilla? Also sorry it's short

Yours Truly, and sincerely (Cookie run x reader)Where stories live. Discover now