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London, late 1921

TIME HAD PASSED, and oh how time had changed the Shelby and May family.

After making amends, Lillian often split  her time between London and Small Heath. Arthur more than welcome, her fathers hard veil softening with old age. However, Arthur still found it incredibley odd being allowed to sit at their table and act like he belonged. On the other hand, Lillians father also found it odd.

The man wasn't used to having to hold his tongue in his home but often he felt the urge when his son-in-law was around.

The pair enjoyed much needed space from eachother, at least she was able to get a full nights sleep away from Arthurs night terrors.With her family relationship mending, she didn't feel the need to constantly recide in Birmingham, and as she grew a year older she struggled to find what purpose she had in life. She was certain it wasn't to be a housewife or babysitter for her husband.

However, as that year came around, Lillian was surprised by a piece of news  and naturally, under her mothers watchful eyes her news wasn't a secret for long. Perhaps from her husband and family, but her mother could see through Lillian's facade so clearly.

Lillian had only just returned from Birmingham, she hadn't seen her mother in three weeks. Dora May instantly noticed changes in her daughters appearance.

"The maids have told me how they've been hearing you in the lavatory of the morning, they're concerned for your health and suggested perhaps I call for a Doctor," Dora spoke to her daughter as she stirred her cup of tea gently.

"There's no need, I saw a Doctor in Birmingham while I was there," Lillian informed her mother who leant closer, awaiting the words to fall from her lips.

"When?" Dora questioned her daughter whom a smile came to her face at her mothers prying.

"May, Arthur doesn't know yet before you ask,"

Lillian remembered going to Polly for confirmation before she saw a doctor, she felt idiotic doing that as she didn't at all believe in the sight or another being able to predict events. Still, Polly was right about Ada when she was 'low on iron' too.

"now Polly, you know I don't believe in all this foreseeing shit, but I already know the truth so.. can you read my tea leaves, please?" Lillian placed a cup in front of her, Polly looking up at her with a scrutinizing gaze, before glancing into the cup.

Polly glanced from the cup to Lillian before she stood up, Lillian raising a brow.

Before Lillian could ask her what she'd seen, Polly grabbed at her breast, Lillian wincing and stepping away.

"Jesus Christ Poll, that feels a little different from when Arthur does it, and that hurt!"

"You're pregnant, due in May. It'll be a little boy, he'll be the spitting image of you"

A wide grin broke out on Dora's face as she clapped in excitement, "oh this is wonderful! Our first grandchild! How are you feeling? Do you need anything?'

"No fuss, mother. I shan't get it at home so please don't do it here or I'll only feel sorry for myself when I have to return to gloomy Birmingham and my absent husband."

He was struggling, Arthur was struggling and Lillian could admit that. With Arthur Shelby everything was just fine for a while and then he would get bad, he'd hit rock bottom before slowly picking up himself back up. She had done this before and she could do it again only, his slump had come at a very poor time for the pair. Not that Arthur knew that yet.

The day went on, Lillian mulled about the home until three in the afternoon when a maid came rushing into the Library, informing her that her sister-in-law was on the telephone and it sounded very urgent.

"Hello Ada, it's Lillian," She spoke as picked up the telephone.

"Lils its Freddie, he's been took ill, it's like he's barely there he can eat nor drink and I don't know what to do," Ada sounded scared, petrified. Petrified of losing her husband so prematurely in their life together.

"You stay there and I will telephone my family Doctor and we shall be with you." Lillian told her as she looked through the address book for the doctor.

"Lil, we can't afford that, I don't think I can afford a regular Doctor neveremind-"

"Ada, we are family and this is what we do. Just hold in there and keep Karl away from him if you can,"

It took 30 minutes for both the doctor and Lillian to reach Ada's flat. In that time Freddie had deteriorated quickly as Ada shook over him, patting his head with a cold cloth as his hand gripped her forearm, shaking.

"You're going to get better, you have no choice you hear me? You fought in a war, this is not the end for you." Ada spoke to her husband in a low voice as Lillian entered the room with the Doctor.

"Ada, let's let the Doctor work, and let's get you a drink. You're shaking."

Ada was hesitant but allowed Lillian to lead her away.

The flat was small, 2 small bedrooms and a small kitchenette where the pair sat after Lillian boiled some water.

Lillian placed a cup of tea in front of her to which Ada fretted, "what kind of wife am I to drink tea while my husbands on his death bed in there!"

Lillian glanced at her sister in law with sympathy and concern, "Ada, you can't think like that. He might get over it."

"That's the thing, might isn't an answer, he either will or he won't and if it's the latter-" Ada was holding back on her emotions, she wasn't a woman to openly cry, she preferred to when the only company she had was herself.

That's all they did, while Karl napped and the Doctor tended to Freddie, the pair sat silently.Lillian held Ada's hand over the table as the only sound they could hear was coughs, shuffling of feet and the clock as it ticked by.

At last, it felt like hours before the Doctor left the room and he left with a grim expression on his face. With that, the pair instantly knew.

"I'm afraid, Mrs Thorne, Mrs Shelby, there's nothing I nor anybody else can do beside make him comfortable. Unfortunately, it's likely the influenza will claim another victim."

Lillian frowned as she thanked the Doctor and saw him out of the flat before she returned.

Ada sat with Freddie, Karl played quietly in his room and Lillian sat at the kitchen table as she waited.

Hours past, Lillian fed Karl his tea before Ada asked for him. Of course, young Karl didn't know that he was saying goodbye to his father. It wasn't a real goodbye, for Freddie wouldn't allow his son to hug him in fear he would pass it on. Instead, he placed his hand to the little boys back and rubbed it gently like he did when he was a babe.

Freddie's Thornes last words were, "You'll be okay, Ada. You don't need me, you're stronger then the pair of us."

Lillian didn't return home until close to midnight the same day, after Freddie was taken away, she offered a room for Ada so she didn't have to be alone that night which she gladly took.

"What a shame, poor woman. Poor child, too." Dora frowned as she sat beside her daughter who was readying herself for bed.

"There was nothing anybody could do, mother. I've been close to losing a husband too many times to count, sitting at that table waiting for him to go was just horrible. I don't even wish it on my worst enemy." Lillian frowned, without her even realising what she was doing, she placed her palm to her stomach as she thought about the possibility of the same happening to her and her unborn child.


authors note;
Lillian and Arthur are back for season 2!

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