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AS LILLIAN LOOKED upon her sister-to-be and watched her mother react to her image, she couldn't help but feel this was stolen from her. Though- it was her doing.

Dora had put all her hopes and dreams for her own daughters wedding into Faith's. Lillian wasn't jealous as to say, she was no green-eyed lady, but it did make her feel slightly bitter and with the current affairs, like her own wedding was wasted.

A little voice told her that had she made better choices, this would be her.

Faith turned to Lillian, grabbing her hands she complimented the blonde, "you look beautiful,"

"And I am positive my brother is going to turn into a beetroot at the sight of you my darling, truly the perfect bride"

"We must go or we shall be late!" Lillian's grandmother announced, rushing the party along.

"You carry along, you're faster than I at this stage," Lillian laughed, for her heels felt like they were daggers in her soles and as beautiful as her dress was, she so wished to just be in something floaty and free. Rather, lying on her bed.

Much to the blonde's dismay, she was to ride with her husband, keeping up appearances as her mother reminded her time and time again. At least her brother would also be with her, that made her feel slightly more at ease.

Arthur held out his hand to her at the bottom of the stairs, well aware her grandmother was watching the pair with prying eyes she took it reluctantly, a very unnoticeable sigh escaping her lips.

She didn't miss the way Arthur's hand tightened around hers as she nearly slipped getting into the car, or the way even sitting down he did not let go of it. Instead of ripping it from his grasp, Lillian sat quietly staring forward throughout the ride to the church.

In the coming weeks Lillian knew she was faced with a tough decision, one she could not put off any longer. For the sake of her, for her happiness and for her child. Fight or fly.

She knew, in her head what it was she would do, she had known it for a while but it was her heart that struggled with the thought. No matter what, Lillian knew a piece of her would always love Arthur, but his actions had stamped on their love time and time again and like a match it would flicker and flutter until eventually it would go out.

Arthur cleared his throat as they pulled up to the church, "I er, I have business tonight for Tommy, so I'll be leaving this evening."

Lillian pursed her lips, "okay, whatever it is you have to do, I wont stop you anymore Arthur."

The wedding ceremony was beautiful to say the least, as Theo had predicted all along it brought tears to Lillians eyes. Her younger brother had married, to a beautiful honest woman and the pair would ensure the future of their family. Something Lillian and Theo had not provided for their family like they were expected too.

As Lillian threw the flower petals at the newly weds, it was like looking back to years ago.

The pair stood on the steps of the small church, cheering and chortles surrounded them by the likes of small Heath.

Lillian had to find a new family now, that she knew, Small Heath had to become her home. As she looked up at her husband who was smiling ahead, she felt at peace with that.

Arthur looked down at her and in that moment petals flew around them and the cheers became louder. A smile gracing Lillians lips as she stood on her toes, placing a gentle loving kiss to her new husbands lips.

"Forever, my darling," Lillian murmered.

The wedding ceremony was followed by a wedding breakfast, Lillian lost count of the attendants, rows of tables stretching multiple rooms.

Faith and Edward had decided only on a wedding breakfast, and an intimate evening meal for both close families.

Once Lillian was able to go back to her room, she couldn't help but release a sigh of relief, slipping off her shoes and raising her feet onto her bed.

"At least you didn't make your arrival in the middle of the ceremony, that would be one to remember" Lillian chuckled as she spoke to her child.

A knock sounded at her door, Arthur shuffling in when he was called.

"I'd stand but that's far too much trouble," Lillian told him, Arthur couldn't help but smile at his wife. If that's what she still was. For once, Lillian didn't look annoyed to see him, she just looked tired from the days events.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm going now, Lils... Shall I come back tonight?" Arthur questioned.

"Do as you please, Arthur. Tomorrow, when the guests are gone we won't need to pretend anymore." Lillians voice wasnt cold despite her words, she was just being honest.

Arthur hovered at the door before approaching his wife, sitting beside her on the bed.

He took her hand gently, a move that surprised Lillian, and placed their joint hands where their son or daughter lay.

"Lil, I want to change. I'm going to try." He promised her.

Lillians breath caught in her throat as she looked at her husband, she wanted him to do it for himself, she wanted to ensure whatever decision she made he would be okay. She wasn't trying to spite her husband, she needed to change just as much as he did. She needed to learn that there would come a time where sorry and I'll change was just meaningless words.

"Try then, Arthur. But do it for yourself, because you want to change. Don't do it just for me."

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