Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Christy's POV

The rain pattered harder on my leather jacket as I ran for the street. His screams echoed behind me, but I ignored them.

"Christy!" His voice echoed through the dark night. The way he said my name added to the chills running through my body from the rain. My knees were aching from running so hard and fast down the street. I could feel my shoes slipping slightly underneath me from the wetness but I refused to fall. Not now.

I could see the bus stop sign glowing in the air and the bus pulled up to the curb. My feet began to move faster, ignoring the pain shooting up my legs, afraid I was going to miss the only transportation out of this hell hole of a life.

I could hear heavy breathing and pounding footsteps behind me. He was gaining on me and I could feel my heart begin to beat faster. The bus began to pull away, but I ran up the side of it, pounding my fist on the side.

"WAIT!" I screamed. I pouned my fist so hard on the metal contraption, I felt like I could hear it throbbing. The bus slowed down and opened the door. I climbed the stairs, my knees almost giving out beneath me as I slowed my pace down.

"Thank you." I whispered to the driver, paying him the right amout of money.

"Christy!" The bus driver had his window cracked and his voice managed to leak through, filling the bus. I could feel my heart drop to my stomach in fear as he ran faster, trying to catch the bus.

"Miss, if you would take a seat we could start moving." The driver knocked me out of my trance. I realized I was still standing on the stairs and the doors were still open, the rain splashing the back of my bare calves. My feet climbed the final step and I plopped myself into the hard seat. I kept my eye on him as he ran down the street. The fear in my body rose within me as I was afraid he was going to catch me. I was doomed and I began to shake. My hands were trembling. I clutched the bag that was slung around my body closer to my chest, trying to regulate my erratic breathing.

I could feel my breathing calm as he tripped in the rain, falling to his knees. He threw his head back and let out a long, horrific scream that sent chills down my spine.

"I WILL FIND YOU, CHRISTY!" His words rang through my ears and my heart started to beat faster, making my body tense. The bus began to move and I kept my eyes on him.

His words rattled around my head. I will find you.


Harry's POV

I let the hot water run down my back, trying to wash away the one night stand that I had last night, just like every other night. I turned the water off and let the steam surround me as I breathed deeply. I wrapped a towel around my waist and wiped the foggy mirror clear and stared at myself. My wet curls stuck to my forehead, droplets dripping from the ends onto my bare back.

I could hear shuffling around in the bedroom.

"She's still here?" I whispered to myself. I pulled on some grey joggers and a plain white t-shirt. I opened the bathroom door, the steam following behind me. She sat on the edge of the bed, zipping up her knee high boots. Her crazy, blonde, sex hair cascaded down her back. She turned her head towards me as I walked towards the closet, finding something better to wear out in public.

"You wanna go grab some breakfast or something?" Her question shocked me and I turned around.

"It's one o'clock?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Okay. Then lunch?" She asked.

"Sorry, I don't do that sort of thing." I said turning back to my wardrobe.

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