Chapter 28

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"The story of my life I take her home. I drive all night to keep her warm and time... is frozen. The story of my life, I give her hope. I spend her love until she's broken inside. The story of my life." - Story of My Life by One Direction

Chapter 28

Christy's POV

"I need you to do one thing for me, Mikey." I said, crossing my arms over my chest, not taking my eyes off the world outside our motel window.

"What's that?" He asked, turning his confused looking face towards me, studying my features.

"Andrew trained you guys, right?" He nodded slowly. "Well, I'm tired of being the 'damsel in distress'. Train me."

He looked at me with wide eyes, like what I was asking was impossible. He shook his head. "Christy-"

"No, Mikey. I'm don't wanna hear the Harry-will-kill-me-if-I-do-this crap. If we're going to get him out of jail, then you're not doing it alone. I need to be prepared and you're the only one who can do that." I said, poking at his chest. "Please..." I whispered.

Mikey sighed in defeat. "Alright fine." I thanked him as I hugged him tightly. This guy was beginning to grow on me and at this point, he was all I had. He was my support system and I was his because we both had one goal in mind; getting Harry back.

"But there's one thing we have to do before we start." He said, scanning my body up and down with his eyes, making me feel insecure.

"What?" I whispered.

"I am not training you in those baggy ass clothes. You'll fall on your face before I even touch you." He laughed, pulling on the way too big tshirt that consumed my size-small body. "Looks like we're going shopping." He let out a long breath, dreading the idea.

"Ugh," I groaned. "I don't like shopping either."

"Come on. Let's go." He gestured for me to follow, then grabbed the car keys off the table and walked out the door into the chilling night.


After driving around for what felt like forever, we finally found a store where we could buy clothes. We kept our heads down as we walked through the parking lot, entering through the automatic doors. The light was almost blinding; a difference from the dark night. We barely talked above a whisper, afraid of who could actually belong to Andrew. At this point, who knew. I sifted through the racks of excercise clothing, grabbing clothes in my size and walking towards the shoes.

Mikey bought the clothes and shoes with cash and we walked out quickly. My mind kept wandering randomly. I was just praying Harry was okay. How could one guy take over so much of my mind?

Because you love him.


I looked around the abandoned corn field. Tall ears of corn towered around us, hiding us from the outside. We left the hotel room, packed up and left, and we headed for some place to begin training. The ground was slightly soft from a previous rain, allowing my new tennis shoes to sink into it. 

Mikey shuffled around, laying knives and guns along the ground carelessy. "Where did you get all these anyways? You packed kind of lightly..." I said. 

He chuckled as he picked up some padded gloves. "I had this all in my trunk of my old car. I just switched it all over when we got this car." He slipped the gloves on his hands. They looked like the gloves boxers use to punch. He stepped in front of me, distancing himself about two feet from me. 

"Alright, you ready to throw some punches?" I nodded as I stepped forward, putting my hands in the same guard position as him. "You can do this, Christy. Just concentrate and relax." 

I took a deep breath as I brought my fisted hand forward. I could feel my knuckles crack as they made contact with the sponge-like gloves. The punch sent a weird feeling through my arm, all the way to my shoulder. I could feel relief as I punched once more. It was almost as if all the pain and anger I held towards people like Andrew and Joseph flowed out of my hands. 

"You're doing good. Keep going." Mikey encouraged. He smiled as I began to punch harder. This was a huge stress and anger reliever. Grunts escaped my lips with every new punch. My hands started to pick up speed, almost as if I couldn't make my hands go any faster. For some reason, with every punch, I could see flashes of Andrew's face; Andrew's fist flying towards me, sending prostetic pain througout my body. Tears welled in my eyes as I took one final punch, the hardest punch. I stepped backwards, panting. My muscles throbbed but I felt better. 

"Good." Mikey said. "You've channeled your anger. Let it motivate you, not control you. That's how you get yourself killed.... Now let's work with some weapons." He smiled as he bent down to retrieve his weapon of choice. 


Harry's POV

I sat on the cold concrete floor, staring at the metal bars of the holding cell that seperated and distorted the images on the other side. My knees were bent as my elbows rested loosely on them. They still hadn't moved me from the police station I was being held at. If I was being charged with murder and kidnapping, they wouldn't keep me in a holding cell this long. They would of sent me straight to jail, but they didn't and I don't think they were planning on it. Something was up. 

The door creaked open loudly, revealing a uniform cop. He was talking to someone outside the door, whispering quietly. I stood to my feet, leaning against the metal bars, attempting to get a look at whoever he was talking to.

"You have ten minutes before the chief comes back and arrests us both." The uniform said.

"Oh, I can do a lot in ten minutes." The voice laughed from outside the door. I knew that voice. Shit. The uniform stepped aside, letting the mysterious person enter the room. My assumptions were correct as Andrew walked into the room along with two other men. I recognized one of them as Joseph. 

"Well, hello, Harry." Andrew sneered, holding his hands behind his back. "Boys." He gestured towards my cell door. Joseph and the other guy unlocked my cell door, stepping inside with me. I warily stared at them. Before I could react, they grabbed my arms. I slashed at them as they dragged me out of the cell, putting me in front of Andrew on my knees. 

"Now, Harry, you wanna know the fun part about owning the police?" He bent down so he was level with my face. "I can do whatever I want." 

He brought a baseball bat from behind his back. Swinging with speed, he smashed it against my stomach. The wind blew out of me, finding it harder to breathe. I gasped and coughed as I attempted to regain my breath, hanging my head low. But I didn't get the chance. He brought something hard down on the back of my neck, causing me to slip out of their hands and collapse to the floor. Stars appeared in my line of  vision, causing the whole room to spin.

"I may not be able to kill you, but it doesn't mean I can't make your life a living hell." He whispered. His voice lingered above me. I couldn't tell exactly where he was standing or which way was up or down. "Prepare yourself for more cause this is just the beginning."

"Fuck you." I groaned.

"I'm sure you'd like to, but we're pushing the time limit. I'll get back to you tomorrow." He chuckled. "Put him back, boys." Hands wrapped around my arms, picking me up to my feet, dragging me back to the cold cell I lived in. They tossed me, literally, and I landed hard on the ground. My body ached as I slowly breathed. I could feel the bruises forming on my body already. Things were only going to get worse.

I was in a shit load of trouble.  


Thank you for reading... This chapter is really short and terrible. I'm having a lot of trouble writing the end of this story cause I have a million ways I want to end this but I don't know which one to use. Ugh! 

Anyways, please, comment and vote. I love you! 

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