Chapter 15

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"When your soul finds the soul it was waiting for. When someone walks into your heart through an open door. When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold, don't let go. Someone comes into your world. Suddenly, your world had changed forever." - Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato

Warning: PG-13 content...

Chapter 15

Christy's POV

Mikey sighed as he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. "Alright, like what?" Mikey said, both pairs of eyes on him. His elbow of his injured arm rested in his oppopsite hand, like a cradle.

"Like how the hell you made it out of there alive?" Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, barely." Mikey joked.

"Mikey, I'm serious." Harry voice raised slightly, booming through the room. I could tell by the volume of his voice he was losing his patience. He needed these questions answered even more than I did. He needed to be given a piece of mind.

"Alright, fine." Mikey started. "He shot me and he thought I was dead, then he ran out of the house, chasing you two. Thank god you two made it out before he caught up to you. Then I ran out of there. As simple as that." He said.

"So how did you find us?" Harry's eyes blazed towards Mikey. I fidgeted where I was standing. Mikey was the only one sitting, his body on the edge of the bed.

"I gave you my car, dumbass. GPS." Mikey laughed, taking his phone in his hand, waving it slightly in the air, flaunting it. This time, his laugh seemed to take the edge off Harry's shoulders as he let out a faint chuckle. I smiled at his smile, sending warmth through me. I looked at the shadow covering Harry's face, covered in scratches and dirt, and a lightbulb suddenly lit in my head.

"I have a question," My voice was quiet, vulnerable. All attention averted to me. Harry's bright eyes stared at me; his eyebrows furrowed. "We were careful...So, how did they find out about us?" I said, gesturing between Harry and I.

Mikey let out a sigh, like he didn't want to answer that specific question. "You weren't careful enough."

"What the hell does that mean?" Harry's tired voice seethed, his eyes blazing at Mikey.

"You know that job Andrew sent you and Joseph on? The one with Alec?" We both nodded our heads in sync. "Well, next time you two decide to make out, don't do it an open alleyway. Joseph saw it all and being the creep he is, he took pictures and showed Andrew. That my friend, is how we got to where we are today." He said, leaning his weight on his unwounded arm behind him on the mattress. My stomach had begun to turn. My throat closing up as I breathed heavily. I clenched my fists so hard at my side it felt like my knuckles were going to rip out of my skin. The perspiration had begun to form on my back causing my dirty t-shirt to cling to my wet skin. By the look on Harry's face, I could tell he was feeling the same way. His eyes were no longer blazing but wide with panic. His large hand ran through his chesnut hair, puffing large breaths out of his cracked lips.

"Oh my god, this can't be happening..." He whispered, his back now turned to me. His stiff shoulders heaved up and down in a fast motion. He was having trouble breathing. Then, I realized, he was having a panic attack. I stepped forward as his hands braced the wall, fingers curling, trying to find something to grip onto to calm him, but there was nothing there. Just flat dry wall.

"Harry," I whispered, placing my hand gently on his tensed shoulder.

"This is all my fault." He whispered, hanging his head low, shutting his eyes tight, completely ignoring me. His erratic breathing echoed against the walls, bouncing into my ears. I pulled against his shoulder, attempting to get his attention, but he was stronger than me and he wouldn't budge.

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