Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

Harry's POV 

The feel of her hot breath on my neck as she nustled into me in her sleep made my body tingle. She had a strange effect on me. I guess from the minute I saw her, I wanted her. And now I had her. Seeing what Andrew could do, a pang shot through my chest thinking about him doing anything to Christy. 

I stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom; small snores escaped her mouth, calming the nerves slowly rising within me. It scared me what I was about to do but I couldn't let him find her. I couldn't let her get hurt like she had been in the past. 

Slowly sliding her petite body off of mine, I rolled out of the bed, jumping to my feet. I placed a lingering kiss to her forehead, careful not to wake her. The moon shone through the slightly opened blinds pouring onto her peaceful face. She looked beautiful. Her short blond hair fell to one side, slightly touching the pillow beneath her head. Her eyelashes fluttered as she rustled in her sleep, shifting her body. Her hand bunched around the sheet, noticing the lack of my body next to her. I quickly walked to door, trying to leave before she woke to see me missing. My body froze, my hand on the door knob, as she mumbled my name in her sleep. 

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, sliding out the door. I wanted to stay with her. I wanted to hold her until all her pain went away. But I couldn't. I had to do what I was going to do. I had to protect her. 


Andrew's POV

"What the hell do you mean he refused?" I spat at the man standing in front of me. "I told you to find Harry and to make him take this job, no matter what you have to do." I clenched my jaw so tight it started to hurt. I could feel all the anger and rage rising within me. He can't refuse me. No one can. 

"Like I said, everyone does this job. I guess I'll have to do it myself." I sighed, slowly reaching my hand around to the back of my trousers, wrapping my callused fingers around the gun sticking in the waistband. 

"Why is this Christina Holland so important to you? I've never seen you care so much about one job before. You always say that if the job risks too much exposure to the gang then it's not worth it, but doesn't bringing in every gang member you've ever had risk some exposure?" The tall man in front of me asked. Before he even could flinch, I brought the gun up, pulling the trigger. His body hit the ground in a loud thud as blood seeped from the new hole in his forehead. The scarlet colored liquid began to stain the tips of my shoes as a devilish grin appeared on my face. 

"Because I love her and if I can't have her, then no one can. She'll always be mine." I spat at the dead body laying at my feet, a lump slowly rising in my throat. A knock at the door caused my body to whip around. A blond boy stood in the doorway, his eyes locking on the dead body.

"Joseph. Please, come in." I said, waving my hand, gesturing for him to come closer. "Is there something you need?" 

"Ummm, yes, sir," he began, his eyes not leaving the body of his gang member. "That Harry guy you asked us to find-" 

"What about him?" I said through gritted teeth. Rage began to bubble within my blood at the sound of his name. The kid who thought he could leave. The kid who betrayed me.

"Well, he's downstairs. He has asked to see you." Joseph's voice broke off into a whisper. Now why was he here, if he refused to join the job?

"Very well, Joseph. Thank you." I felt him cringe as I patted him on the shoulder. He feared me and I liked that. It gave me the power I craved. 


Harry's POV

The room looked the same from the last time I last saw it. A year ago. The walls were a dark scarlet, the color of blood. Weapons hung from the walls. The air in the room made me shiver like I was sitting in a meat locker. The door of the room swung open, revealing Andrew standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Harry." His satanic voice made goosebumps form on my arms. He walked forward to the bottle of scotch sitting on the mantle above the fireplace. His Armani shoes clapped against the marble floor like gun shots. "What can I do for you on this lovely evening?" He said as he poured himself a glass of scotch. 

"I've changed my mind, Andrew." I stood up straighter, trying to stand my ground. Trying to find the guy I once was when I was with Andrew. 

"What ever do you mean?" His evil eyes stared into mine as he took small sips of his scotch.  The color in his eyes reminded me of the way the sky looked before a very bad thunder storm. A dark grey with specks of black swirling around the irises. 

"I'm in." I said, sternly. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he gestured for me to continue. "I will help you find Christina Holland." 

"Oh? And what made you change your mind?" He asked, setting his crystal glass on the table beside him. 

I shrugged. " I figured you were right about it. There is no leaving the gang." I said, trying to sound as cold as I could. 

"Well, I'm glad you came to your senses." He said; a devilish grin made it's way onto his face. "Follow me and we'll talk about searching." He said, waving his hand for me to follow him as he exited the room. 

I took a deep breath. I was gonna have to dig out the old Harry. The man who watched so many people die and never felt a thing. The man who even spilled some blood himself. If I was gonna protect Christy, I was gonna have to become that monster again. 


I am seriously going to put "write a long chapter" on my bucket list cause it might actually kill me to do it. So sorry it's so short; I'm working on it. Thank you to everyone for voting and commenting. I love reading your comments; it motivates me more to write another chapter so keep commenting. (:

I was in the shower the other night (that sounds weird) and I pretty much was thinking about how I want this story to go. Well, I pretty much wrote the story in my head. Now I just have to figure out how it's going to flow all together and eveything, but that's my problem. All you have to do is look pretty and read my story. 

I'm gonna shut up now! 

Please, vote and comment...

and if you feel like it, fan me! 


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