Chapter 7

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"When did the rain become a storm? When did the clouds start to form?"

Chapter 7

Christy's POV

My eyes felt too heavy to even open them. I could see the sunlight shining in from the window from behind my eyelids. The sheets had somehow tightly wound around my legs. I ran my arm up and down the space next to me. My eyes flew open when I realized I was alone. My back leaned against the headboard as I looked around the room. Nothing. No sign of anyone but me. Only me.

I untangled myself from the sheets. My feet pattered against the floor as I walked into the bathroom. The first aid kit still sat on the counter along with the bloody washcloth that was thrown into the sink as Harry and I kissed. The kiss. My body shivered as I thought about it. His soft lips on mine. The goosebumps that rose when he gently ran his fingers up my sides.

After the kiss, I figured everything was going okay, so why did he leave? He said he was going to do whatever he could to keep me safe, but he left. Maybe he was coming back. Maybe he just needed to run an errand.

As I walked into the kitchen, the permanent aroma of coffee seeped into my nostrils. Coffee was my addiction. I turned on the coffee and the sound of it brewing made me smile. I lifted myself up on the counter as I waited for it to be ready. A small piece of paper fell off the counter and floated to the floor. Jumping off the counter, I grabbed the paper. It was a note.

From Harry.


I'm sorry I have to do this. It took everything in me not to leave you. I wanted to stay there and hold you but that wouldn't of solved anything. Andrew is looking for you and he WILL find you if we don't do something. I promised you I would do whatever it took to protect you. That's why I'm doing this. I'm going to Andrew. I'm going back to work with him, but not for the reason he thinks. If I am helping him "find" you then I will make sure he never does. You'll be safe. I promise. I just wanted you to know that I didn't want to leave you. I wanted you.

I still want you.

The small piece of paper slipped out of my hand onto the counter. My hands gripped the edge of the counter, slowly trying to catch my breath. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Harry was doing this all for me. Harry hated that whole life and he was forced into it the first time. Now, I was the one forcing him back into it. I couldn't let him ruin his life for me.


Harry's POV

I walked warily behind Andrew, his broad shoulders moved with every stride. The hallways of his huge house seemed endless, like never ending black holes. I shivered as I looked through every door I walked by. Each room was pitch black and I hated the thought of what went on in those rooms. Andrew made an abrupt turn into a large, dark room. Tables sat in the center of the room with papers and folders scattering the top of them. A large bulletin board hung on the majority of the wall. Maps hung from it with markings written all over it. This was their searching room. It held all the information to finding Christy and I had full access to it.

"This is where we'll start." Andrew said, gesturing for me to come closer and stand next to him. His body faced the bulletin board and he intently stared at it. Pictures hung from the corner of the board. All of Christy. She looked the exact same except her hair was long and brown. "The last time Christy was seen was a month ago. She was boarding the bus here to London." He said not taking his eyes off the wall.

"Okay, so now what?" I said.

"Now, I have a job for you. You'll go with Joseph. He knows the job." He said, gesturing to the blonde boy sitting at one of the tables in the center of the room. He looked up from the piece of paper in his hands and gave me a devilish grin. "He's new." Andrew whispered in my ear. "But I believe he's capable of many things."

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