Chapter 19

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"I never meant to start a war. I just wanted you let me in." - Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus

Chapter 19

Harry's POV

Four hours later, after a non-stop car ride, we finally arrived at Andrew's house. We stopped about a mile away from his house, pulling into the woods surrounding the area. Fog hovered low on the grounds around us, consuming our feet. We pulled a camouflage tarp out of the back seat, throwing it over the shiny black car.

Twigs and leaves snapped under our heavy feet. My gun remained in my waistband, but my hand stayed wrapped around the handle, prepared to whip it out and fire at any moment.

"Keep your eyes alert." I whispered to Mikey, who only nodded in response. The cold night air sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps formed on my skin. The thin jacket I was currently wearing was of no help. Our breath fanned out in front of our mouths in large puffs of white. My teeth lightly began to chatter inside my closed lips. I quickly clenched my jaw tight, attempting to decrease any noise possible. I wanted Andrew to be surprised. I wanted to sneak up on him.

I wanted him to be scared; to beg for his life.

The mile we walked wasn't as long as we would of thought. Soon enough, the large silhouette of the huge mansion was towering in front of us. My hand gripped tighter around the gun. The feel of every weapon attached to my body had begun to weigh me down. My calves burned as we steadied ourselves on the uneven ground. My muscles cramped with every wrong move. My body still wasn't fully recovered; every muscle still ached with certain movements but it didn't matter. I could power through the pain. It wouldn't be the worse pain I've ever had to toughen myself out to.

The clear details of the house became clearer. The only light provided were the outside lights above the front door. Everything was quiet except for the faint chirp of crickets. It seemed almost too quiet. I slid the gun out of my waistband, gripping it in both of my hands, holding it down low in front of me.

"It should be over there," Mikey whispered. "Behind those two trees." Our feet glided across the forest floor with ease; my brown boots occasionally kicking a rock across the dirt.

"Jackpot." I whispered as we approached the two wooden doors inbedded in the ground. I took in a deep breath as I leaned down, wrapping my shaking fingers around the metal handles. They were cold to the touch. The doors flew up with ease, which seemed unusual. We stared down into the never-ending darkness. Who knew what we were going to come across down there. What fellow gang member were we going to have to kill to get out alive? Who was going to get hurt? These questions rambled on in my head, but none of them seemed to matter.

We had found her.


Third Person POV

Christy sat on the cold, wet ground, hugging her knees to her chest. The only sounds heard were the sound of Christy's desperate sobs. So many things seemed to run through her head. Would she ever see Harry again? Was Harry even alive? What was the last thing she said to him? Who was here that caused Andrew to leave so quickly?

All these questions didn't seem to have an answer without scary consequences. As much as curiosity killed her on the inside, she didn't really want to know who was here. Was it someone who would be the death of her? She buried her head into her legs, sobs escaping her cracked lips.

"Don't cry, sweetheart." Andrew's voice echoed through the empty room. She heard his expensive shoes clap against the floor, coming closer to her, but she kept her head buried, her eyes blinded. She couldn't stand to look at him right now. He had ruined so many people's lives, but he still wore a sinister smile on his face, not caring about the misery he provided.

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