Chapter 9

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"Doesn't everybody just want to feel somebody? Just wanna hold someone, to fill that empty space when you're missing that rush?" 

Chapter 9 

Third Person POV

Mikey stared at Harry in disbelief. He never thought he'd be around to see his long time mate fall in love. He could tell by the look of distress of on Harry's face that something wasn't right. That however Harry was feeling was paining him more than it should. 

"With who?" Mikey breathed, searching Harry's face for answers.

"That's the problem." Harry whispered. 

"What do you mean?"

"You know, that girl, Christina Holland, that Andrew has everyone looking?" Harry asked, his eyes staring at the floor.


"Well," he began. "she's the girl... that I love." 

Mikey couldn't even help his jaw as it fell it open. "How the hell did that happen?" 

"Look, I didn't know that's who she was until after I met her." Harry held up his hands in defense.

Mikey lightly smacked his palm against the side of Harry's head, making him flinch. 

"What the hell are you thinking Harry? If Andrew found out you knew where she was, he would kill you in a heart beat! This is a death sentence." Mikey yelled. 

For some reason, Harry's stomach twisted into knots and his hands balled into fists, frustration building up in him. "DON'T YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT, MIKEY?!?! I THINK ABOUT LEAVING HER EVERYDAY, LETTING HER LIVE THE LIFE SHE WANTS, BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO DO IT! I HATE THAT I FEEL THIS WAY! THAT A SIMPLE SMILE FROM HER MAKES ME MELT! AND NOW SHE'S IN EVEN MORE DANGER THAN SHE WAS BEFORE AND IT'S MY FAULT!" Harry yelled, pulling at his hair in frustration. 

Mikey stood speechless as he looked at his best friend's face. The pain was written all over Harry's face. Mikey could tell Harry was struggling with accepting his feelings. He always had in the past. "Please, Mikey, please just help me." Harry whispered, his voice breaking. "Please, help me keep her safe."

Mikey stepped forward and engulfed Harry in a tight embrace, trying his best to comfort him.

"I'll do everything I can."


Joseph bit down on the towel in his mouth. White hot pain shot through his shoulder as the man standing above him stitched up the deep, long gash across his flesh. He could feel the veins popping out of his neck. Every muscle in his body tensed as the needle ran through and out of his skin.

Joseph sighed relief as the man bandaged up his shoulder. A slight sting ran through his shoulder but nothing he couldn't bare. He slipped on his jacket and stood up, trudging his body over to Andrew. Andrew stood in front of the window, staring at the rain outside. Joseph stopped in his tracks as Andrew slammed his fist into the window. The glass shattered, causing little shards to fall onto the floor. Rain slowly began to make it's way into the room through the new hole, lightly sprinkling Andrew's navy blue suit but Andrew didn't seem to faze it.  Joseph could see the tenseness in Andrew's shoulders as he leaned against the wall, his breathing heavy. 

"I sent you to do one job, Joseph." Andrew seethed. "And even you managed to fuck that one up." he whipped around, gripping Joseph by the collar and slamming him against the wall, pinning him there. Joseph gasped as pain ran through the muscles around his injured shoulder. 

"You know, I wasn't the only one you sent to do this job. Why don't you ask your curly bestie as to what went wrong? He is the one that put the bullets into Alec's chest. He's the one who brought you right back to square one." Joseph spat at Andrew. He knew Andrew would be pissed for him standing up to him and he knew he was thinking about killing him. But he had to share what he saw. He had to share what he knew.

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