chapter I

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     I wake up in my bed with a wide smile because this is the day that my parents are coming in my place to have a lunch . I did my morning routine , take shower , make my own breakfast , eat and go to my pastry shop and im happy with that ☺️ . But today i need to go to grocery and prepare for our lunch . Rose will take care of my shop .

" ohh , i forget to invite my bestfriend for lunch . i call him .. "

taehyung is my bestfriend since diaper days , because my mother and taehyung's mother is also bestfriends .
me and taehyung is not just bestfriend , at the same time were brothers .

i get my phone upstair and call my bestfriend  .

" good morning , tae 😊 !!! "  i smile even i know he can't see im smiling .

" good morning , tae 😊 !!! "  i smile even i know he can't see im smiling

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" hmmm ... " taehyung response .

" get up your lazy ass , tae .. !!
it's already 7 in the morning and your still in bed ?? " 

" hmm .. ??? " taehyung response , unbother to his bestfriend .

" i swear to god if your not talk to me properly , i go there in your place and i will burn your GUCCI CLOTHES !!! "
i know tae's weakness 😁 his precious gucci clothes 🤭 ..

" OK FINE !! ,
tae reply with annoying tone .

" eomma and appa is coming here in my place for lunch , i hope you can join us ? " i ask him , hopefully he say yes .

" you don't need to ask twice , yes ! 
i really miss them too "  tae reply excitedly .

"  Good ! , but for now get your lazy ass up in your bed , take a shower and breakfast , you will go with me in grocery to buy my ingredients for our lunch . " 

" ok give me 20 more minutes and i'll be there , see you annyeong .. "  tae respond .


we had fun talking with my family over lunch . my parents laughed that I missed so much. they rarely visit me because I also don’t want them to travel far . my parents live in busan where i grew up and so far i am here in seoul i finished school and here i have also had a business .

" how is your pastry shop son ? "
my father asked .

" appa business is going well, I'm happy because a lot of people praise my mochi cake , there are investors who are convincing me to expand the shop, but appa I'm satisfied with what my business is now ." I answered my dad contentedly .

" I really don't have anything else to ask for . A supportive husband and a son who is very kind and diligent . sometimes i think , do i really deserve you ? " my mother replied as she held his chest as if acting .

" I'm still here , eomma " taehyung added while turning pouty lips .

" but son , whatever your decision on everything, your mom and taehyung and I are just here . I'm so proud of you son . " my father said to me with a proud tone .

" thank you appa , eomma and taehyung , you are my inspiration , my life .. " I answered crying with great joy because I am so blessed because I have family and friend who are very supportive of me .


I'm so nervous while I'm making this fanfic story .. I hope somehow someone is interested in my story 😭🥺 ..

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