Chapter X

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A few days ago I noticed something strange in yoongi's actions and behavior . He was often by my side and asking what I needed . I'm getting used to his being by my side , and I'm always looking for his smell . Some days I wake up next to him and hug him . I have been pregnant for three months and my baby bumps are very obvious .

" Good morning baby , Are you hungry , what do you want for breakfast ? " I was talking to my growing womb while i gently rubbing my stomach . I felt sad because yoongi was no longer around when I woke up . I was looking forward to the smell of him . I want to see him always .

" Jimin ? " someone calling from the door .

" Yes ? " i replied .

" Can i come in ? " he ask .

" Yes , hyung please come in . " When I recognized the voice , I knew that jin hyung was at the door . In the few months I've been staying in this mansion except for taehyung , jin hyung has been close to me , he's the one who often takes care of me when yoongi isn't around .

" Get up and eat your breakfast so you can take your vitamins . " jin hyung said sounds like a mother .

" Thanks hyung , let's eat together ."
I offer him .

" Thank you , but this breakfast is too special for you to share with me . " he said .

" Special ? , hyung you always cook for me , it's always special because you're the one who cook .

" I'm not the one who cook this time ." he confessed to me .

" But who ? " i ask him .

" Our boss , he cooked your breakfast today so I can say that it is really special ." he replied .

" Where is he ? " I asked with tears welling up in my eyes .

" Why are you crying ? He is in Japan now for business matters ." he explained .

I couldn't hold back my tears , until I was sobbing in tears , I needed him . I want yoongi now .

" Stop crying jimin , it's not good for your baby ." he reminded me .

" I know , hyung . But i need him , i can't control my emotions . I want to see him , I'm looking for his smell . " i said while i still sobbing .

Hyung went to yoongi's walking closet and when he came back he took yoongi's black oversize hoodie and handed it to me .

" I also sprayed his perfume on the hoodie , put it on . " I did what hyung said , I wore yoongi's hoodie and I smelled what my nose was looking for , yoongi's smell . I felt calm when I smelled yoongi's scent .

" please eat before the food cools down . " he begs .

" Hyung can i ask you something about yoongi ? " I asked him as I opened the lid of the food he was carrying .

" Go ahead my dear . " giving his permission as he slowly sat down next to me .

" Does yoongi have a girlfriend or bo.. boyfriend ?? " I asked shyly and stuttering while chewing . I'm so embarrassed I feel the heat on my cheeks .

" Even in his dream , nothing .
why ? " he asked and grinned at me .

" Nothing , i'm just asking hyung . "

I avoided his gaze.

" Yoongi never had a relationship . I don't know what bothers him to have a relationship or maybe he don't want commitments . " he clarified to me .

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