Chapter XI

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I'm getting bored here in the mansion . How many times have I tried to run away or made a plan for jimin and me to escape but we were always caught . But I came up with another plan but jimin didn't agree with me . I suggested to him to tell yoongi that we will go out to buy things for their future child , then as we go around the mall we will mislead our guards , I'm sure yoongi will send his people to watch over us . I will force jimin to agree to my plan , I will not stop convincing him until he agrees with my plan .

I got up from my bed and put on my slippers , and I hurried to jimin's room . As I expected , there was a guard outside the door of jimin's room but they would let me in , because apart from jin hyung and bambam , I was the only one who could enter their room .

" Hello sir , would you please let me in ? " I told him with a boxy smile .

" I'll ask boss jimin first . " he replied in a frightened voice .

" ?? " I could not believe what I heard . But I like what's happening . It will be easier for us to escape because these stupid people will now follow his orders .

" Boss jimin , your friend is out here , shall i let him in ? " he knocked first before he asked . And the door slowly opened and the sleepy jimin greeted us .

" I told you don't call me boss , yugyeom ? " jimin asked him disgusted .

" I told you don't call me boss , yugyeom ? " jimin asked him disgusted

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" I'm just following the orders of my real boss , agust D " he reply sternly to my bestfriend .

" Come in tae , I don't want to argue with him anymore ." jimin grab my hand to guide me inside his room .

" It's good that you thought of visiting me , because I'm bored . eating and sleeping is always my daily routine . I'm getting fat . " he frowned at me .

" Jimin , listen to me . Please for the last time I beg you to agree to my plan ." I beg .

" Tae please , stop it .We already done to this topic . Do not take my child away from his father ." he said , with his tears would fall .
" I know you're surprised and confused , but I don't want my child to grow up without a recognized father . Even if yoongi did something wrong to me I will not deprive him of the right to our child . " he explain to me .

" So you want to stay here ? "
I asked him .

" y-yes , for the sake of my child ." he answered .

" This is not only for your child jimin , i know you , You can't lie to me , do you have feelings for him ?" I seriously question him .

" JIMIN !!??? , ANSWER ME !!?? " I shouted at him .

" YES THERE IS ... !! I know its sounds crazy to hear that I loved someone who repeatedly raped me and kidnapped me . But I would be even crazier if I couldn't be with him and see him . Even I , I could not understand myself ." his hysterical answer .

I was worried about my friend when I saw him trembling and seemingly losing himself . I almost wanted to punch myself for what I did to him . I was so carried away by my emotions . I approached him to hug and comfort him .

" shhh .. sorry , stop crying
please . I'm just so worried about you . I don't know how long he will show you kindness , I can't help but think that when you give birth to his child , he gwill just ignore you and take you away from the child ."
i explain to him .

" tae , i like him , i want to stay with him . " he says that it looks like his decision is complete .

" fine , just promise me that when he hurts you physically and whatever he does to you against your will , the conversation is over . I will keep you away from him , even if I die . " I told him seriously .

" i-i pr-promise . " he promises while sobbing .

" you want ice cream ? " i ask him with my boxy smile .

" chocolate please ? " he asked .

" no .. no .. no .. vanilla . " i tease him . And his lips curved as he threatened to cry again .

" i ha-hate you ki-kim taehyung !!! "
he says sounding sullen .

" I was just kidding , you win . Of course chocolate . I'm going to get ice cream . And when I come back , I shouldn't see any more tears in your eyes because if you don't stop sulking there , I won't give you ice cream . "


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I was just entering the kitchen door when I heard someone talking .

" I heard that IU is back again . "

" He already know ? "

" Not yet . "

" What do you need , Tae ? "

" umm , jimin want ice cream . "
I said .

" Are you listening when we talk ? "
jhope asked me he was obviously disgusted .

" No , I just arrived . " I lied .

" Liar . Hyung don't forget we're going later , i need to go . " he walked out of the kitchen .

" Does he have a problem with me , hyung ? " I asked Jin Hyung .

" I'm sorry for him, just ignore him . He's just like that when he doesn't know the person very well , because he's not easy to trust . What flavor he want ? " hyung explained to me .

" He want chocolate ."

" Take it , and bring it to him ." he handed me the tray with ice cream .

" Hyung do you think yoongi hyung will allow us to go out for a
walk ? "

" Maybe . But yoongi is over protective for jimin because his doctor says he should be doubly careful because he can miscarry if he is too tired or too stressed . But if you want to , i will try to talk to him , ok ? " he smiled at me as if he act like mother who would take care of everything .

" Thank you hyung . " and I went back to jimin's room . As I go back to jimin's room , i wonder who IU they were talking about earlier .

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