Chapter VI

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I woke up in the morning suddenly because I couldn’t explain how I felt , I felt like I was going to vomit . I immediately got up from the bed to run to the bathroom and vomited on my knees in the toilet bowl , I could almost vomit the flesh inside my body because I had nothing to vomit because I hadn’t eaten anything all day . After I vomited my whole body weakened so much that I could hardly stand where I was , but I still forced myself to stand up to go to bed and rest there . As I limply walked and held on to the wall to support myself in balancing I felt so dizzy that I fell and I lost consciousness .

When I opened my eyes I saw that Yoongi was talking to a doctor. He already said his name to me before he walked out the door of the room when he last time he raped me . I just wonder why the doctor congratulated yoongi and shook his hand before leaving the room .

" What happened ? , am i going to die ? if i were to die , thank god !! my suffering in this hellish place will also end . " I said sarcastically .

" rest well , if you need and want something , just call bambam or jin . I will not lock the door of the room . You can go out of the mansion to breathe some fresh air , but you should always have a guard with you , and don't waste time and energy trying to run away and hide because wherever you go , and even if you hide at the end of the world , I will find you . " yoongi told me sternly . " take care of yourself ." he added with concern .

" Don't teach me what I want to do to myself , even if I starve myself you don't care . " I replied annoyed with him .

" Now I care about you and your condition , what stupid things you do to yourself you will not be the only one affected . " I could not understand his answer to me , I just laughed at what he said .

" Are you drunk or did you take drugs ? " I laughed in response to him .

" You are more than two weeks pregnant jimin ." yoongi said .

" hahaha , you're going crazy . how can i get pregnant , i'm a man yoongi , a man !! " I clarified to him laughing .

" You have the special ability to carry a child even if you are a boy . Its a rare condition your doctor said . " he explained .

" ?? pregnant ..? "  I said incredulously .

I was holding on to my stomach because I couldn't believe I could bring life . I don’t know if I should be happy or hate the child I’m carrying . This child is the result of my suffering with his father and not the result of love . But this child has nothing to do with everything , this child is an angel . my angel .



" Based on the findings of all my examinations on him , mr.jimin is pregnant . He has been pregnant for more than two weeks . " the doctor said to me .

" clarify to me and explain to me properly how it happened that the man can get pregnant , otherwise , I will kill your whole family before you , so don't waste my time on your nonsense ." I answered him calmly but threateningly .

" it is possible for a man to get pregnant mr.min I am not lying I have the result of all his examinations and this kind of condition is very rare ." he explained to me .

I turned to jimin to check if he was still asleep , and he was still asleep .

" Apart from malnourishment I didn't see anything wrong with him , he just needed to be more careful because men who get pregnant have a higher chance of having a miscarriage . he should also avoid stress which can affect the proper development of the child . " the doctor added .

" you can leave now , if jimin has to take any medicine , let jin know so he can take care of everything . " I said .

" congratulation again mr.min , I'm leaving . " he said goodbye and he shook my hand .

I didn't realize that jimin was already awake , and he began to ask questions .


how is the concert guys did you enjoy .. i hope taebear get well soon 💜🥺

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