Chapter XIII

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Author POV

A few months have passed since the young man gave his sweet yes .  The young man was already in his fifth month of pregnancy and Yoongi couldn't hide his eagerness to see their future child .  Even though Yoongi is still not sure about his feelings for the young man , he still continues the relationship he started .

Jimin POV

" Babe , do you have something to do tomorrow ? " I asked as I put on my pajamas .

" Why ? , I only have one meeting at night . " he answered .

After I got dressed , I came to him on the bed and sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder .

" Tomorrow is the day of my appointment at the hospital for ultrasound .  Do you want to come along so we can find out the gender of our child together ? " I hesitate to ask .

" What time ? " He asked me while he was still busy with what he was reading and doing .

" 9am , but it's okay because if you're busy , taehyung is there to accompany me . "

" Okay , just go with taehyung , I remembered I had to go somewhere in the morning .  I'll just leave my black card with you incase you need to buy something . "

" hmmm .. , Babe ? " I called him again , trying to get his attention .

" Anything else ? " He asked and finally he looked at me but his expression was no longer good.

"  Nothing , continue what you're doing , I'm going to sleep .  Goodnight babe , I love you . "  I tried to kiss him on his cheek but he avoided .

" Just sleep , I haven't showered yet " He explained and stood up from his seat and went straight to the bathroom . I just lie down and cry quietly until I fall asleep .

Yoongi POV

After entering the bathroom, I immediately opened the shower and let the very cold water flow over my body to wake up my brain and think about how I can end our relationship without putting my child in danger . I tried many times to find out my feelings for him but I can't really feel anything special about him.  What is important to me is my child .

When I came out of the bathroom, I saw him covered with a blanket.  I ignored him and went to my walking closet.  After I got dressed, I just took my cell phone and my car key and immediately left the room.

" I need my car now . " I ordered to one of my men .

" Yes boss . " And the man left in a hurry .

" Hello, you only have 10 minutes to get ready, I'll pick you up. " I ended the call .

Hey ... !!! I'am still alive .. !!!
yeah , i am really really sorry because I haven't updated in a long time and this is the boring update I'm going to give you now 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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