chapter II

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         Rose and Jimin are preparing to close the pastry shop .

" are you sure jimin you don't want to go with my car so you don't need to walk ? " Rose asked worriedly .

" I'm okay Rose, my house is just nearby so I can exercise, and I can also breathe fresh air . be careful driving , see you tomorrow . "
jimin replied calmly .

         As jimin approached his house , he heard gunshots and a man's voice begging for his life .

" I beg you , I don't know what you are accusing me of , just take all my money and property don't just kill me I beg you . " pleading of the man with bruises all over his body and blood all over his arm due to the gunshot wound .

" it's just work , because our boss didn't know the word "MERCY"." the man was mercilessly shot in the head .

       Because of what jimin saw jimin could not move his body in fear and shock at all what he witnessed .

   Jimin was seen by men and approached him , jimin wanted to run but due to fear he could not move his legs , deafening with the strength of his heartbeat as the men approached where he was standing .

" look what do we have here ? , there is an immediate reward for our work " said the man while smirking and looking at jimin like a predator .

" p..l..ease .. " trembling crying jimin said .

" get him in the car . " the man commanded his companions .

" , let me go " jimin said as he struggled to loosen the man's grip on his arms .



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" are they back yet ? "
cold voice of agust D .

" they haven't returned boss . "
namjoon replied to his boss .

 " namjoon replied to his boss

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" a.k.a  RM "

" call those stupid dogs and tell them in five minutes that they are not here yet that there is no good news for me they can dig their own grave . " said agust d as he played with the casino chip in his hand and sat in his office .

" yes boss . " rm replied and left the office .

       Agust D picked up his phone and he called jhope .

       Agust D picked up his phone and he called jhope

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" a.k.a JHOPE "

" Did your toy speak there ? " Agust D asked his friend / one of his trusted member .

" nahh .. I'm tired of playing with him, we can't get anything out of him about the puppies in the other group , let me finish this . " jhope couldn't wait for an answer and jhope fired the gun at the captive's head .

" oppss .. game over .. hahaha "
jhope said while laughing like a psyco and clapping like a child at the lifeless man .

" come here at my office . " Agust D ordered as if nothing had happened .

" give me 20 minutes , I just need to take a bath , the bloody dirt of my toy is all over my body . " jhope replied disgusted with the blood scattered on his body .


I feel like I'm the psycopath here hahaha 😅 and a lot of ideas run through my mind while I'm doing this chapter ..

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