chapter III

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This is probably my end , I can't see where these bad people will take me because my eyes are covered with cloth and my mouth is taped I did nothing but cry and cry because I felt every hand they touched my skin .

" shit , RM is calling , will you shut up or will I kill you ? " said a man I think was sitting in front of the car .

" where are you ? " I heard on the other phone line a loud speaker for another man in the car to hear .

" finished . we're on our way home , but we'll eat first because we caught some fish on the way home , we haven't tasted fresh fish for a long time . " the man replied .

" okay have fun because that's your last dinner . " the man agreed as if threatening them .

" what's your problem RM ? " annoying answer of the man .

" You only have 3 minutes to bring yourselves here to the mansion because if not , boom !!! hahahah "
answer the man on the phone .



The men who abducted jimin got out of the car when they were greeted by none other than Agust D .

" the time is over ." calm and cold voice of Agust D .

Agust D pointed the gun at the head of one of the men who abducted jimin .

" " the man stammered as agust D's gun pointed at his head .

Agust D pulled the trigger of his gun without flaking it . The lifeless body of the man fell in front of him . Jimin trembled with fear and shock after hearing the gunshots .

" l..le...let go " begging said jimin .

" and who is it ? " Agust D approached jimin and removed the cloth covering jimin's eyes .

" boss , he saw what we did to kill mr.chua so we brought him here and we wanted to play with him first before we killed him . " said the man with a dry tone in his voice .

Jimin looked into Agust D's eyes with tears in his eyes that flowed down his smooth and plump cheeks .

" hi angel , I want to taste your tears " Agust D kissed jimin on the cheek and savored the taste of his tears .

" RM bring this angel to my room and I will just cut off his wings " he commands RM and looks at his people with a scary grin .

" get rid of this man because his blood will stain my very precious land . " Agust D orders his people like a dog to move quickly to remove the corpse he had shot earlier .




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