Chapter 5

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If there was one word to describe all of this, it would be awkward.

The girls had decided to make me even more miserable by forcing me to take the passenger seat next to our dear driver, Hunter. After that embarrassing confession about wanting to jump Hunter's bones, and having had found out that he heard me, everything just felt.....Awkward.

Hunter looked nervous around me. Not nervous like he was around Lila, but nervous like "OMG THERE'S A GIRL SITTING NEXT TO ME!" nervous.

As soon as the car started and the music blasted, the girls launched into a hot conversation about the lingerie they would buy once we got to the mall. I just sat there feeling awkward and left out.

" 'bout that weather...." I started in a miserable attempt at a conversation with Hunter.

How 'bout that weather?!?! Really, brain?!?!?!?!?!

Hunter chuckled and seemed to visibly relax. "Um...great I guess? You're not very good at starting conversations."

I blushed. "No, Im really not."

"Its okay. Im not very social either."

My eyes widened. "You? But you seem all friendly with everyone, and you're constantly smiling and happy and such!"

"Well, that's just the front that I put on for everyone. Believe it or not, Im a very shy person."

I laughed. "No way. If anything, you basically radiate confidence."

"Well that's good to hear."

"Why so?"

"Because that means my facade is working. But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"How do you feel about me?"


"I want to know if you have feelings for me."

"We j-just met!"

"You know there is such a thing as love at first site." Hunter looked into my eyes. I hadn't noticed we had pulled over till now.


"Shh...." he said leaning in. His lips were millimeter away, when I heard it.

"Um, Clyde?"



I snapped out of my daydream and looked at Hunter. Then, I blushed at what I had been thinking.

Stupid brain!

"W-What? Yeah?" I asked feeling flustered.

"You totally zoned out on me. Am I boring?" asked Hunter.

"No! No! Its just this thing I have.... I zone out alot..." I explained with an exagerated look of innocence.

"Okay....Well you didn't answer my question.

"And what was the question?" I asked with a sheepish smile.

"I asked what about you? I just revealed that Im a shy person. What's your secret personality?"

"You're a shy person?!?!" I asked. I would have never guessed Hunter Grey was a shy person!! He looked so confident!

"Um...You kinda already had that portion of our conversation."

I blinked. "Oh...right."

"What were you thinking about so hard anyway?"

Your lips! On mine!-Yelled my subconsious.

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