Chapter 11-Part 1

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"Mia? Im feeling rebellious." I whispered.

"Me too."

"Hmmm..." I thought. We were currently laying down on my bed on our backs, staring up at the ceiling. It was one in the morning, and neither of us could sleep, so Mia just hopped into my bed next to me, and here we were now.

"We should totally sneak into the counselor's quarters and watch Hunter sleep." said Mia.

"Mia, thats a little creepy. I feel like doing something to Carter. You know, as revenge."

"But he hasn't done anything to you yet."

"Exactly. Yet...." I said mischievioulsy.


"I kinda wanna see what Hunter looks like when he sleeps though." I said, with a blush.

Mia giggled softly. "Wanna go then?"

"Lets do this." We both got off the bed and slipped on our jackets and sneakers. Mia grabbed her phone, and I snatched a flashlight. Then, we were out.

The couselor's quarters weren't too far off from the main building. It was secluded, like our cabin, and was basically one big apartment complex.

"Do you know which room is Hunter's?" I asked.

"Yes. I did this last year also. His room number is 17A. But the front entrance is locked. We'll have to climb through one of the windows."

"But what if thats not his room?"

"We'll have to sneak then, Clyde." She smiled evilly.

So we walked around the side of the building, looking for an opened or unlocked window. My flashlight's light landed on one open window after ten minutes of searching.

"Mia!" I hissed. She hurried towards me and smiled up at the window.

"Good work, Clyde. Now you go first. I'll take the flashlight and toss it up to you once you're up." She said.

"But won't it make noise?" I questioned.

"Maybe....If you know how to catch."

I groaned inwardly. I really didn't want to get caught. But I handed over the flashlight anyway, and I started to scale the side of the building. It was made of brick, the type that all sticks out unevenly, but in a beautiful fashion. I was about ten feet up, when I felt my foot slip. My grip on the brick tightened, and I hit my chin against another brick.

I groaned. "You okay, Clyde?!" Whisper-yelled Mia.

My nails were digging into the brick, trying to regain their firm grip. My foot found a base, and I was once again pressed up against the side of the building. "Im good!" I whisper yelled back.

I continued scaling the building until I finally reached the window. I peaked in, happy to find that the room's occupyer was fast asleep, and I crawled through. I opened up the window wider and leaned out halfway.

I motioned Mia up, and she motioned that she was about to toss up the flashlight. I nodded and prepared myself. Mia threw it up.

I watched as it hurtled upward and I shot my arms out to catch it. But instead, it crashed against the window sill loudly.

The occupyer of this room groaned and started to stir. "Who's there?" they groaned. I quickly dove under the bed and prayed that Mia realized we were about to get busted and hid. I saw the person's feet by the side of the bed, and my breaths came to a stop. "Its probably those crazy birds again." the person grumbled.

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