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None of these characters are mine (Except the MC) all credits go to JK Rowling. This book does not strictly follow the books/movies so it won't be a complete retelling of the original story. Also there will be a few things that are inaccurate/different regarding powers,Events, potions, characters etc.

TW: Story includes Bullying, abduction, depression and drug abuse/addiction, suicide attempts and other triggering topics.

This Prologue is different than the rest of the book. This is just to get all the important information and backstory of the MC across. SO DON'T WORRY the whole book will not be rushed or small detailed (maybe even a little poorly written lol) like the prologue. I hope you enjoy reading it anyway :)



"Long ago in the depth of the magical Forest, lived the great Phoenix Ignatius. He was the king of all magical creatures and was loved and respected by all. With bright and strong flames he was the protector of all beings. He held the power most valuable to all living beings; The power of life, rebirth and creation. But with that power came great danger. If one were not able to control the flames, disaster and destruction would follow. Many came and tried to kill the Phoenix for his powers, but no one ever succeeded- that was until he found his sister, the Phoenix of the sea, deeply wounded by evil wizards who tried to drink her youth and strength giving blood, he used all of his power desperately to save her. But to his despair even his powers had limits. Exhausted and devastated Ignatius made his way back to the forest where the men waited for him. In distress he tried to fight for his life while protecting the other creatures from the cruel wizards. In a last attempt to save the world from them, the Phoenix bursted out the biggest flames ever to bee seen , killing all the Men and turning them to ashes. Once the flames disappeared , so did Ignatius. The flames were too powerful for his body to handle, so his spirit flew out in search for a guardian who was pure, strong and courageous  enough for his powers to live inside of them. it took over 100 Years to find the perfect match."  

"Thats me right mommy?" I yawned

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"Thats me right mommy?" I yawned

 "Yes sweetheart" Mother spoke softly "But nothing bad will ever happen to you, because mommy is here to protect you, my precious Serena."

Father gently knocked on the door

"Shouldn't  she be asleep already Elaine?" he said while quietly leaning in the doorway of my room.

"Yes Colin you're right, I just can never leave her, I want to hold her tight for as long as I can" Mother sighed "before you know it she'll be grown and doesn't want her Mother to read her bedtime stories anymore" She stroked back my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Oh I don't even want to think about that. She will always be with us" Father said while gently putting his hand on moms shoulder. 

"alright" Mother agreed "goodnight my angel" 

Father tucked me in "Goodnight princess, may all of your dreams come true" he kissed my forehead before both turned off the light in my room and went to bed themselves. 

My parents Elaine and Colin Heart ,are kind and loving people. A wealthy yet simple wizard family.

The only problem....was me. 

My name is Serena Heart and the Phoenix spirit layed to rest inside of me shortly after I was born. I don't understand how a new born baby was supposed to be the only suiter for this massive amount of power and responsibility. For decades after the Phoenix had disappeared the people hungry for its power tried to find it, no one knew what Ignatius was planning. After some time they finally gave up, thinking the Phoenix must have died. My Family and me have to keep it a  secret so no one can take advantage of my powers. At first it was easy but the more time passed the more the flames i possessed grew. 

It was a beautiful summer day. When my Parents drank tea on the porch and I played in the garden. I was four and got frustrated for not being able to catch a butterfly. It felt like I had ran after it for hours. When I finally caught it I wasn't able to control my feelings looking at the beautiful butterfly , bating its purple wings. I got so excited until i realized, it burned up right in my hands. I was shocked and scared. I didn't know what happened. I started crying and screaming. I had killed an innocent being. When my Parents noticed they ran up to me and tried to comfort me. But I was so confused and overwhelmed with what had happened that- "Autch!" my mom yelled  in pain. "Elaine are you okay?" My father panicked "let me see". Mother moved her hand that was grabbing her arm. Under it was her burned flesh. My parents looked at each other and I could tell that they were worried and scared too. They didn't know how to help me control my powers better. 

From then on my Father went on long trips to search for information on fire magic that could help us. Some might call me biased but many would agree that my father was an exceptional professor, his research was one of the most trusted and used by the majority of scientists and healers. Sometimes he'd be gone for months. But all in vain. There was no hope. The powers just got stronger and more out of control. 

By the time I was six even the tiniest inconvenience made me burn up. Once I got into a silly fight with my parents. I don't even remember what it was about...

Did I not want to go to sleep yet? Did they not let me have any more candy? I really can't recall. 

All I remember is standing outside of our burning House, seeing the flames get bigger and bigger. Red and blue healer lights that came closer and closer. 

My parents almost died in that fire- I almost killed them.

The accident caused too much commotion and attention, people asked a lot of questions at the hospital. So to keep suspicion away my parents made up a lie. 

Heart family suffers great loss

Heart daughter of sacred 28 dies in fire

Those were the newspaper headlines.  My parents used their 'Mourning' as an excuse to move far away with me. Somewhere no one would see me. To a small cottage on a hill. During the past years my Father studied everything he could about the great Phoenix king Ignatius and his power, so he could homeschool me.

We loved our new home, but i know they felt just as trapped and isolated in it as i did.

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