𝟓-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐁*𝐭𝐜𝐡

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"I'm sorry, did you just say Sarah?" I ask, baffled. 

Recap: Poppy just informed me that she met Sarah, and that they're friends. 

She nods, "Yeah she showed me around school, I was wondering if you guys are friends. She said you were."

I laugh, "Yeah for a week freshman year before I realized what a bitch she was."

She winces, "Oh."

I watch as she completely removes her shoes. 

"So can I ask what happened?"

"You can ask, doesn't mean I'll answer."

She sighs, "You seem not to like her but she was nice to me. I just want to know what she did to see if I should avoid her or not."

"I just said I hate the wicked bitch, that should be enough."

"Why?" She asks and I quirk an eyebrow, "Why what?"

"Why should I listen to you? You haven't been nice to me and we have barely known each other two days."

I remove the books from my lap and sit up straighter on my bed. 

"Look, don't take a personal 'kay? I am like that with everyone. Trust me, Sarah will screw you over."

Just like she did freshman year. Showed me how easy it is to get burned at the ripe age of fifteen. 

"I just, I don't know Quinn."

I groan. "Whatever hang out with Sarah but when she inevitably hurts your feelings dont come crying to me Poppy."

"See you don't even know my name."

"it's a nickname sweetie, I don't have time for this I need to study." I say before returning to my books. 

If she wants to suffer, Sarah is the perfect place. I won't force her to stay away but at least I can say I warned her. 

Helps my conscience when I sleep at night. 

Haha, who am I kidding? I sleep the perfect amount of seven to nine ours a night. 

Still at least Della won't be able to make me feel bad when Sarah eventually hurts Poppy. 

She huffs but heads out, probably to the bathrooms. 

☆ ☆ ☆

"Poppy is friends with Sarah. Can you believe it?" I say as I sit down in the dining hall for lunch the next day. 

I talked to Dean Anderson this morning before class about Della's vegetarian options and wasn't able to tell them the news about Sarah before. 

On that, Dean Anderson did decide to offer better vegan and vegetarian options next semester. As well as other dietary restrictions other students have. It might be a few months away but at least it's something. 

"Who's Poppy?" Della asks curiously. 

I dip my potato wedge in some ketchup. 

"My roommate." I say before popping the potato wedge into my mouth. 

"Lily? She's friends with Sarah?" Della asks. 

I nod, "Then I was actually being nice and giving her a heads up that Sarah is even worse than Campbell and she wouldn't listen. Bitch." I mutter the end. 

"Hey Taylor, don't compare me to her." Jordan shudders. 

Yeah see how bad Sarah is? Even Jordan dislikes her. I haven't met a girl - besides her-  he doesn't like. 

"My bad sweetie, I forgot what happened sophomore year. You know if you'd just kept your dick to yourself." I shrug. 

Sophomore year Jordan made the mistake of hooking up with Sarah. She recorded it without his consent and posted it to the internet. 

It was gross and disgusting. No matter how much I dislike Jordan no ones private business should be put out like that. 

His dad managed to get it down and got her phone wiped because he was sixteen at the time.

Sadly however her parents managed to get her out scot free. Same with what she did to me freshman year. 

"How was I supposed to know she would record us and post it? It wasn't even my good angle." He groans, as he stretches his arms above his head. 

"At least your parents were able to wipe away the pizza sauce Sarah spilled on you. Mine will be out there forever because she still has physical proof." I put my head in my hands. 

Yes my parents got the pictures taken down off line but she printed copies she still has. At any time those pictures could resurface.

"Trust me Angel most of the school saw the pictures the first time, wasn't much to see." Jordan says and I bite my tongue to keep from yelling at him. 

I stand from my seat, "I'll see you guys later." I say to Della and Casper as I grab my bag and head to P.E. early. 

"Come on Taylor I was just kidding." Jordan calls out but I ignore him. 

I hate him so much. 

I blink back the tears that threaten to fall. I shouldn't let his words affect me even if they are true. 

I enter the locker room and enter one of the stalls. I lean against the door and the tears fall. 

Tears are for the weak, My mom used to say. Are you weak Quinn? Did I raise a pathetic, weak daughter?

She didn't.

"I am not weak." I whisper as I wipe the tears away, "I am not weak." I repeat. 

Once the tears stop I leave the stall and head to the sink where I reapply my makeup. 

I will not waste anymore tears on Jordan Campbell. 

The bell rings and I change into my P.E. clothes as everyone begins to file into the locker room. 

"You ok babe?" Della asks as she stops beside me, opening her locker. 

I nod as I lace up my sneakers, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I ask, flashing my best 'I'm ok' smile. 

She quirks an eyebrow, "We have been friends since freshman year, I know you. Jordan never thinks before he speaks, don't take his words to heart. He's big idiot ok?"

"I know he is." I say and she slips on her white shirt. 

Once she is done changing we head out to the gym. 

We play volleyball again, this time Della's team wins. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐖𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now