But why me? Because he loves you Simon. (4)

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Simon's POV

I'm in shock. Once I got home I felt like dying. He said he loved me and I said merry Christmas. Maybe Christmas will be a chance for me to find out what I was feeling. The first day was uneventful. I played video games, hung out with my friends, and hung out with my family (mostly my mom). Then there was a knock on my door. I go to the door.

"I'm not interested in giving a statement," I said.

"It's Maline, prince's bodyguard," she said.

"Oh, hi Maline. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have a question. This will let you and Wilhelm be together right under the queen's nose. He got into an argument and the queen asked me to find a girl for him to date. So I would like to ask if you would become a girl named Samantha so that you two could be together," she explained.

"Umm... I'm not sure. Why me?" I asked.

"He still cares about you and loves you Simon. He wants to be there with him,"she said.

"I guess I can try," I agreed.

For the next couple hours we did makeup, put a wig on, and got me in girly clothes. It was really strang. Why was Maline helping me?? By the time I was ready I had told my mom and Sara and was in the car to the palace. Once we got there I got introduced to Wilhelm. Maline said that I could stay at the palace but I would ask Wilhelm about it. When I did he said we could sleep in the same room. Once I was in his room I felt happy. His smell his attention only on me.

    "Thank you for letting me sleep here, it's beautiful," I said.

    "No problem," Wilhelm said.

    We ended up going to sleep pretty quickly. The next thing I know Wilhelm is up pacing around the room.

    "Everything ok?" I was a little shaky.

    "What the fuck Samantha," He yelled.

    "What?" I asked.

    "I woke up and you were talking about Sara and me and August. Like who are you?? Are you some sort of spy??" he said.

    Crap I thought what was I going to do tell him it's me Simon. Or wait till tomorrow and ask Maline. My thoughts were out of control. It was 5:30am on Christmas Eve.

"Did you hear me??" he asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said. Then I left the room. 

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