I am your boyfriend though?

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I got home and went to my room to change for this stupid Christmas party. Once I got to my room with Simon I went to the bathroom and changed. I was in a black and white outfit. It was so plain and basic. Once I got out of the bathroom Simon went in. He of course came out in a black dress with white heels. Everytime he comes out in a dress I laugh.

"Wilhelm the guests are arriving," I heard from outside my room.

"I will be out in a second," I replied.

We got downstairs and were greeted by many people. Many congratulated me on getting a girlfriend, others just nodded. As we made our way to the table my mom looked pissed. I sat down and I could tell something was up. I didn't want to ask about what it was so I just left it. We all sat down and my mom made a speech then the main course was served. It was really good like always. We spent the night just talking about all the royalty stuff. Then Simon went out to the party. It was at least ten minutes and Simon wasn't back. I started to get nervous and went to look for him. I ran down hallway after hallway until I finally found him in the garden. He was on the phone. I couldn't tell who he was talking to. I walked a little closer and I saw him sitting there crying. I sat down beside him and then he hung up the phone.

"Is everything ok Simon?" I asked.

"No it is not, I might have to leave soon," he said.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"It was Sarah, I have to head home tonight or tomorrow morning," he said.

"Wait, is Sarah ok? Is she hurt?" I asked. As soon as I said that, his eyes went down.

"Can we talk about this later?" he asked.

"Of course we can," I said.

We sat outside on the bench in the cool air. Once we went inside I and back to my room he packed up his stuff and curled up in my bed. I curled up beside him and played with his hair until he fell asleep. I woke up to him screaming and sweating. He was going crazy, he was hyperventilating and was so hot and sweaty. I sat up and rubbed his back. Then he quickly got up and started to pace the room. I stood up to try and calm him down but he kept pushing me away. He wouldn't talk to me, he would just stare and nod. I grabbed him by the arm and led him to the balcony to get fresh air. He sat down on one of the chairs and he started to talk again. He didn't talk in sentences, he talked in single words. I can only imagine they were about his dream. Most of the words were bad or violent. The thoughts in my head were going crazy. With Simon going crazy, August in the hospital, the pressure of my mom and peers, keeping Simon hidden as Samantha. I had to stay strong for Simon. He could not see that I was weak right now. Then after about an hour he was calm enough to come back to bed. We went back to bed until I woke up to him shaking uncontrollably. He was really starting to scare me. The shaking panic attacks I didn't know what to do. I woke him up and he was crying. He was really red and had really puffy eyes. I sat him up and tried to calm him down. Then he pushed me away and stood up. As soon as he stood up he collapsed to the ground. I sat on the ground and helped him up.

"Simon, are you ok?" I asked.

"Stop it Wilhelm, I'm fine, why are you doing this? I already have a boyfriend. I have no interest in you," he screamed.

"Simon, I am your boyfriend, why are you being weird?"

"Stop, I need to go home and see Sarah. You don't know what is going on so please just let me be," he yelled.

He stumbled out of bed and crawled to the bathroom. He put on a nightgown and ran down the hallway. I ran and followed him. Once we got to the dining room he grabbed food. Then ran back to my room. I followed him as he ran down the hallway. He sat down at the table in my room and started to eat his food. Then he grabbed his toast and threw it across the room.

"Why would you make me do this?" he yelled at me.

"What did I do..." I said but got cut off.

"You're the reason that Sarah is getting hurt, you are the reason. I'm leaving to help my family," he said and then stormed out of my room.

"I'm going to come for you if you don't stay away," he said.

Then I saw a royal car pick him up and bring him away. 

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