Final straw (8)

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Suicide warning: this chapter talk about someone trying to commit suicide. There will not be many details about the attempted suicide. Also talks about painkillers and alcohol

August POV

I can't believe Wilhelm won't help me find Simon. Why??? That's his boyfriend. I went down to my room to get some painkillers. I took three painkillers and 12 shots I think. Then I came out of my room to go to the palace car garage. Once I got there I felt that I needed to write to Wilhelm.

Dear Wilhelm, I hope that you can forgive me for hurting you and Simon. Please forgive me for posting that video. I was angry and didn't have control. I am going to leave this world. I will be happier up there then down here. I hope I can see you again in heaven and we can make it immense. I will steal a royal car and crash it. Hopefully I awake in heaven. Love you Wilhelm.
Love August

Now that I was done I put it in the garden where Wilhelm goes every morning. Then I went back to the garage and took one of the black royal cars. I started driving. I drove for about 10 minutes so I could get to the middle of nowhere. I saw a pole and crashed the car.

Wilhelm's POV

What the fuck happened? Why is August in the hospital?? What did he do this time? I ran to the garden to think and I saw a note. It was from August. I read three times before I was about to break down. Why would August try to do this? I ran into the palace and into my room. My breathing was getting heavy. My heart was pounding. It felt like people were stabbing me with daggers. I ripped off my shirt and rubbed my chest. I paced back and forth in my room. I was going insane. I column'd get control over my thoughts. Then someone comes into the room. I thought it was my mom but thankfully it wasn't. It was Simon. He ran over to me and sat me down on the floor. He held me as I tried to calm down. He held me and kissed my forehead. We sat like that for at least an hour before I was able to calm down enough to tell him what's going on.

"Simon, August tried to commit suiside. He stole a royal car and crashed it. He thought that him dying would help our relationship," I said, weeping.

"I'm sorry Willie. I know this is hard. Please just stay here with me and we can figure out what is going on," he said, still holding me.

"I know, we can get through this. Simmie?" I asked.

"What Willie?" he said.

"Can you stay with me through the night and then we can talk to my mom tomorrow together," I asked.

"I couldn't imagine leaving you," he said.

We got up on the bed finally. He cuddled me as I fell asleep. I felt safe for the first time in what felt like forever. I was finally happy with what was going on. I woke up the next day. It was Christmas. When I woke up I saw Simon looking at me. I smiled. He looked at me and smiled back.

"Good morning Willie," he said.

"Good morning Simmie," I said.

"Merry Christmas," he said.

"Merry Christmas Simmie," I said.

We got ready. Simon in his dress and slippers. I found it so funny to see him like that. We walked down the stairs.

"Where were you yesterday?" my mom yelled.

"Here take this," I handed my mom the note.

"What? Where did you find this??" she asked.

"It was in the garden," I said.

"Ok, we will go to the hospital this morning then come back to have our annual Christmas celebration,"

We went to the hospital, Simon and I in one car, my mom and Maline in the other. Once we arrived they said that August was awake and we could see him. Then the doctor said that he will be admitted into a mental hospital after he was healthy. Once we walked into the room August smiled.

"Hi you guys," he said.

"August what were you thinking," my mom said.

"I was not in a good place but now I'm in a better place I promise," he said.

My mom then left and only August and I were in the room. Simon just stayed in the car.

"August.." I started.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have never done that. I'm sorry," he said.

"August promised me that even if we fight you will never do that. You are better alive than dead," I said.

"I promise," he said.

Then the doctors came into the room and told me to leave.

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