Chapter One

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Four years ago (continued)

Three days went by and Jade was restless as ever. So, when Jaden called her from his college dormitory in Austin to go to Dustin's restaurant and pay for the party expenses,  she was ecstatic. She had to take the money from their dad and hand it over to his granny at his restaurant. 

"Please don't give a cheque, Dustin's at Dallas on work and his grandma needs the money immediately, " said Jaden and Jade's face fell. So she wouldn't get to meet him? She felt like her heart would break.

"Ok," she said, quietly. 

Jaden disconnected the call, relieved that the money would reach when Dustin's grandma  needed it the most. 

He called Dustin and informed him that Jade would go to his restaurant and hand it over to his grandma on her way back from school. Dustin thanked him and disconnected the call. 

He had to go back to Travis Springs and see Jade.  He would come back later for his work. He drove his old Ford F-150 as fast as possible.  He had to reach his restaurant by lunchtime. 

Excited beyond words at the prospect of meeting Jade, he reached his restaurant in record time, to see her car parked in front of his restaurant. Her chauffeur was sitting inside, waiting patiently for her. 

The truth was ever since he saw her at Jaden's party, he was obsessed with her. He wanted to see her innocent angelic face again and again. He knew she was very young, and he shouldn't corrupt her but he was helpless. He just couldn't keep his eyes off her. 

He rushed inside to see her hug his granny. Oh, what he would do to get a hug from her. He stood transfixed at the door, watching her talking to his granny. She handed his granny the envelope containing the money that her dad sent. 

His granny looked at him with a surprised expression. "Weren't you in Dallas? How did you come so early?" She asked suspiciously. 

"I had something important to do," he said, lowering his eyes lest his granny saw through him. She was shrewd and could read him like an open book. How? He had no idea.

His granny smiled knowingly and looked at Jade who was looking at her grandson shyly. "You must be hungry, sweetheart. Come, I have just the thing for you," she said leading her towards the back of the restaurant to Dustin's room. Dustin followed them inside too unsure what his granny was upto.

"This is Dustin's room. Sit here. I'll get you something to eat," she said leaving the room. Jade looked around the neatly arranged, clean room. It wasn't big but it was comfortable. A double bed with a dresser and a nightstand on either side of it occupied one side of the room. On the other side, there was a wardrobe and chest of drawers and a small desk.

He sat on his bed and patted the place beside him,"Sit please," he said. She sat down awkwardly, a little further away from the place where he indicated. 

"Weren't you away in Dallas?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I came home to see you," he said, staring at her.

Her heart started hammering in her chest, fast. She looked up at him, stunned by his words. "Why?" She asked, hesitantly. 

"Didn't you want to see me?" He asked, leaning down to her level to get a good look into her eyes.

She lowered her eyes. Oh God, what would she answer? "I I don't know," she lied, trying to avoid his questioning look. 

His forefinger went under her chin and uplifted her face to his level. "Tell me that you didn't want to see me. Tell me that your heart isn't beating as fast as mine. Tell me Jade, why am I going crazy for you?" He asked, his face showing how tortured he was feeling.

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