Chapter Seven

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The next day Jaden went to his dad's law firm where he was working as a CPA. He called his Private Investigator, Robert Harrison, who had helped him find Rosalie. He asked him to investigate exactly what happened at Dustin Moore's bar cum restaurant the night of the murder and collect as much evidence as he could.

After a few days Jade was busy with Rosalie and Jaden's wedding. Her life continued as before, with college and home, home and college. She went to spend some time with her nephew and niece at Jayson's house or with Juliette's son after college. 

Three months passed by and yet the PI, whom her brother hired could not produce any results. Jade finally took his number from Rosalie and called him. 

He came to meet her at a small cafe outside her college. "Hello, Mr Harrison, I'm Jade Meyers, Jaden's sister," she introduced herself.

"Hello ma'am, pleased to meet you. Tell me why you summoned me?" He asked courteously. 

"Mr Harrison, I want to know what you found out about Dustin Moore's case," she asked directly without further ado.

"I couldn't find much ma'am. No one seems to have seen the men who had come to the bar that night," he said.

"I've seen them. I have witnessed the murder Mr Harrison. I was there at the restaurant at that time and I could tell you about three people who were there too and witnessed the murder. One of them wanted to give testimony against the actual culprit but he was murdered too. His body was found 2 miles away at a car crash site. The police gave the verdict of drunken driving," she said and Mr Harrison listened to her intently. 

"I don't want you to give any testimony ma'am. It's very risky. But yes, I want your help in making a rough sketch of the people whom you saw. Can you help me with that? I have tried to locate the ex employees of the restaurant but couldn't. It seems everyone is scared to open their mouths," said Mr Harrison. 

"Yeah, the man is very influential. I could help you sketch him and three of his accomplices. I could also help you make a sketch of the other two people who were there at the restaurant at that time," she said.

Mr Harrison pulled out his notebook from his backpack. "Yes that would be very helpful ma'am. First we will draw the culprit," he said, excitedly. They spent the next half an hour  drawing the culprit. Once the sketch was ready and both were happy with the outcome, he drew his accomplices too. After two hours, they left the coffee shop. Jade had to return home else her dad would get worried about her. They planned to meet again the next day, at the same time in this very coffee shop.

Jade went home happily. Finally something productive was happening. Finally she was able to do something for Dustin and his granny. She thought hard how she could help in the investigation. 

The next day again she met Mr Harrison and they drew sketches of the two other customers who witnessed the murder. "You could meet Richardson who was a past employee of the restaurant. He was granny's right hand and he too witnessed everything. Promise them anonymity and they might give important information, Mr Harrison," said Jade. 

"Yes ma'am. Thank you so much for helping me. Mr Meyers has been at my throat for the last three months for not producing any results," he said, gratefully. 

"I also want you to do another thing Mr Harrison. The fingerprint report might be sabotaged as the culprit wasn't wearing any gloves. So his fingerprints should have been there, but the report that was submitted to the police had only Dustin's fingerprints. Could you get hold of the actual reports if they haven't been destroyed yet?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, I  will and then update you. You have my number, if you remember anything else, please call me," he said. They left the cafe. 

Jade waited patiently everyday for his call only he didn't call. One month flew by and still no result. Her patience had worn out and she ultimately called him.

"Mr Harrison, Jade Meyers here. You didn't revert back?"she asked him.

"I will ma'am. It's a very complicated case. Every lead only gives me disappointment. Richardson's family vanished the day after he left his job at the restaurant. Of the two witnesses, one is dead and the other is missing. The rest of the ex employees wouldn't open their mouths. The officer who had taken out the fingerprint report has been transferred. I'm now tracking him down. Mr Meyers had a word with the sheriff, Chase McGuire. He's a friend of your older brother, Jayson Meyers. Mr McGuire is helping in the case too," he said.

"Ok Mr Harrison. Please do keep me updated, " she said, dejectedly. 

The next nine months, they kept hunting for evidence, yet couldn't get anything worthwhile. Jade was disappointed. There had to be a way to prove Dustin innocent. 

When she felt totally hopeless, she thought of granny. Maybe she could help in some way. She drove to the marketplace and parked in front of the restaurant. The place was locked? Didn't granny live here anymore? She had never seen the restaurant locked. She went to the backside and knocked on the door of Dustin's apartment. It looked very dirty from outside as if no one lived here anymore. Maybe granny had left and gone to some relatives house.

She rang the bell, yet no one opened the door. After repeatedly ringing nearly five times,  she gave up hope and turned to go away when the door slowly creaked open. 

She turned around, her eyes widened at the sight of granny. Pale, thin, hardly able to stand on her feet. Granny was about to fall down but Jade ran up to her and caught her just on time. 

"Granny, what happened to you?" She sobbed.

"You've come, my child?" Granny said feebly.

"Yes, granny, I'll never leave you again. Tell me what happened to you?" She said, helping granny to her room and laying her on the bed.

"I'm fine dear, " she said, feebly. 

Jade called her family doctor urgently. "Did you eat anything granny?" She asked her.

"No, sweetheart. I can't cook," she said.

"I'll make something for you," she said. She rushed to the kitchen and saw that there was nothing in the house to cook. 

She returned back to granny's room. "There's nothing to cook. I've got money, but I couldn't go to buy anything. A well wisher had been regularly sending me money, but I couldn't get up and go to the shop," she said.

"Let the doctor check you first. Then I'll get the things for you along with your medicines. Ok?" Jade said. 

"I don't need a doctor, dear," said granny.

"Don't you want to be fit and open the restaurant again? Don't you want to be healthy and wait for Dustin's release?" She scolded. 

"Yes I do want. But I couldn't save the restaurant. After you left, everyone stopped coming too," she said.

"I'm sorry granny. We will think of a way to pull it up again. But first let's get you better," said Jade.

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