Chapter Nine

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The court didn't accept the petition due to lack of evidence. They wanted more evidence to open up the case. Everyone was disappointed. Jayson put on his thinking cap, trying to think of a way to get more evidence. It would only be possible if someone opened their mouth. 

Jade and granny were very depressed after the court's rejection. Granny didn't have the heart to tell Dustin anything. So life went on till some miracle would occur and the case could be reopened. 

After six months, the police arrested the two other accomplices of Johnny Brownhill. One of them was hiding in Chicago while the other was in New Jersey. Their arrest brought a fresh spurt of energy to the case. Jayson announced a hefty sum of money to whoever provided them proof. However this time he gave a month's time to come up with the proof else the offer would stand null and void.

This gave Jade hope that maybe someone would come up with some evidence. They all waited and waited. Jade went to visit Jaden and Rosalie's twins regularly to play with them.

The Meyers family still continued their monthly family get together to bond with everyone. Jade's college was over and she could now only concentrate on her internship. It gave her a lot of free time to help granny at her restaurant. 

After twenty-seven days, Jayson got a call from an unknown number. 

"Hello, I can send you evidence but I have some conditions," said a male, hoarse voice.

"What conditions?" Asked Jayson. 

"You have to delete my number the moment you receive the video. You cannot mention my number to anyone. Also you have to pay me by cash," said the man.

"Ok, done. Only if the video you send is genuine and not fake and if it helps in the case," said Jayson. 

"I will send someone to your house to pick up the cash at 7 o'clock in the evening. No questions asked. He will say a password that I will send you with the video," he said.

"Sure," said Jayson. 

"Ok," said the man.

He disconnected the call and Jayson waited impatiently for the video that the man wanted to send. Sure enough, after 15 long minutes, his phone vibrated with a message.

He checked to see that a video and the password had been sent. Downloading the video, he started to watch it. His eyes went wide with surprise and he sat down to support his legs.

It was the entire recording of the events that took place that evening, the night of the murder. It started with a drunken brawl which after sometime Dustin tried to stop and then the murder where it was clearly visible that Johnny Brownhill pulled the trigger to kill the man and then placed the pistol in Dustin's hands and shooting the CCTV camera, left the crime scene.

Jayson Meyers had a spring in his step. He had the evidence that he had been wanting for so long. He picked up Jaden from his house and rushed to the sheriff's office and showed him the footage.

They showed the footage to Johnny Brownhill and he broke down completely. He owned up to his crime and Chase McGuire recorded it. 

With all these evidence, Jayson filed a fresh petition for Dustin's case to be reopened. He, Jaden and Chase went to Imperial prisons to inform Dustin about his case.

Dustin sat with his eyes wide open at the news that his case would be reopened. He never in his best dreams thought it would be possible. He pinched himself again and again to see if he was dreaming. He didn't know why Jayson and Jaden were taking so much interest in his case. Did it have something to do with Jade? No, it couldn't. Jade had forgotten him and maybe moved on with her life. 

His granny never mentioned Jade in her talks. She had stopped coming for months and then suddenly a few months back, came to meet him. She was looking happy and energetic. Dustin also didn't talk much. He wanted to know about Jade but didn't know how to ask his granny. 

"I can't pay your fees, Mr Meyers," he told him, with his eyes cast downwards. 

"I don't need you to pay me anything,mesaid Jayson with a smile. "I'm just helping out since you're innocent. I want you to get justice," said Jayson.

"Thank you so much, I don't know how to thank you  all," he said with his eyes sparkling with tears of happiness. 

"We're just doing our job," said Chase, patting his back and he went out to have a talk with 
the prison warden. Jayson went too. 

Jaden patted Dustin and said,"Thank Jade, bro. It's because of her love for you that I initiated the investigation. It's only for her happiness that Jayson has taken up your case," said Jaden and Dustin's jaw dropped and he stared at Jaden without a blink of his eye. Jade still loved him despite what he said to her? She hadn't moved on? How did he get so lucky? 

"If I would have been you, I would have started working out to rebuild my biceps and six-pack. Do you want Jade to see you this way?" Said Jaden, winking at him and leaving. 

Dustin went back to his cell and kept thinking about what Jaden told him. He tried his best to make her move on and forget him. But she didn't. She really loved him. He grinned happily at the thought, sighing heavily and waiting to apologise to her. He couldn't sleep the whole night with excitement. He held her notebook to his heart and kissed it again and again. 

"Oh my Jade, I wish you were in my arms right now," he thought aloud.

Then he looked at his frail body. No, he couldn't let Jade see him like this. He would again get back in shape for her. 

In the evening, a man with a mask over his head, came to Jayson's house and said the password. Jayson handed him the cash and he went away.  From the way he walked, Jayson Meyers knew who the man was who sent him the video. He himself had come to collect the cash as they had the same hoarse voice. Richardson, Dustin's grandma's trusted employee. 

Jayson as promised didn't utter a word to anyone to protect the anonymity of Richardson. He was thankful that at least Richardson had the courage to save his employer. He had the presence of mind to record what happened that night.

So everyone waited for the court's decision with lots of eagerness. Dustin worked out for Jade while Jade helped granny at the restaurant and also managed her job. She waited eagerly for Dustin's release, hoping everyday that the court would give it's approval. 

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