𝒙𝒊. 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇

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Everyone on the boat turned to look at Tatum. It was the most uncomfortable and awkward feeling in the world. JJ, Pope and John B - it was like they didn't even know her. Her face fell. Kiara was wrong; they didn't just forget about it. She turned around and began to leave.

"Hey, no," said Kie, causing Tatum to stop at the deck. The boys all looked up at her in confusion. She was the most angry of all, the other day. She didn't care for their weird looks - her only focus right now, was on Tatum. "Tell them," she said sternly, not breaking eye contact with the girl.

The three boys all crossed their arms and waited. They didn't want to have Tatum the cold shoulder, but she had to learn one way or another. And she was dangerous. They feared for their lives because of her. Their best friend scared them to death.

"I'm sorry." The second the words left her mouth, JJ fell off his seat, John B spat out his drink and Pope felt guilty. They could clearly tell by the look on her face that she had been beating herself up about this. And apologising to Kie was one thing, but apologising to all of them was huge.

"And..." Kiara urged with raised brows.

"And I feel terrible for scaring you guys," she went on. Every word that poured out of her mouth only managed to shock the boys even more. "And it hurts me so much to think you don't trust me, but I get it, I wouldn't trust me either." Pope Heyward had never felt so bad in his whole life. He knew that that thought wouldn't have even been in her head if it wasn't for the other day, when the gun was in her pocket. John B was on her verge of tears, horrified with himself for making the careless girl careful. And JJ wanted to throw up - he considered that girl a sister, and was almost exactly like her, but still actually believed she was capable of shooting him. "But I love you guys," she admitted for the first time in her life, only making the boys feel worse, "and I'd never hurt a single one of you."

She shook her head, shaking herself out of the uncomfortable, sappy moment, and looked up at Kiara with a grunt. "Can I get on now?"

The four of them held in their urge to laugh at her. She really fucking hated giving that speech. But she did it anyway. Because Tatum Quinn would be nothing without her friends. Without her family.

JJ grinned and held his hand out for the girl. "All aboard the HMS pouge!"

She giggled and jumped on, hugging her coat tightly around her as she fell under the proud look of Kiara Carrera. There was nothing she hated more than praise, and Kie knew that. The little bitch was teasing her.

The five of them sat around the stolen scuba gear. Kie even let Tatum cheer on John B for stealing from the Camerons. She was born to hate that family, and after what Sarah said to her (even though she knew the blonde girl was completely right) Tatum was dedicated to joining in on their family's feud.

"This is empty," Kiara stated, searching through the heavy gear. "You took empty tanks?"

"I..." He sighed. He did not have the energy to make up an excuse for it. Those things were worse than fucking weights.

"Okay, this one's half full," she said positively. "It's enough for two of us."

Tatum took the thing out of her hands. She fiddled with the mouth piece. "Can you get high on this?" she asked with a grin.

Pope sighed. "Did you seriously just ask if you can get high on oxygen?"

"It was a question." And just like that, everything was back to normal for the small group of southsiders.

"Does anybody know how to dive?" asked Kie. This plan was a load of crap, and she had absolutely no idea why they were still going through with this. She was going to be so pissed off if they weren't rich by the end of it.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now