𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉

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Tatum smiled softly, joining Kiara at the dock. She'd been sitting there for at least ten minutes, watching the still water float peacefully over the quarry, as cold teardrops silently trickled down her face.

She chuckled lightly at Tatum's words and dragged a hand over her face in attempt to wipe her tears. "I wouldn't blame him."

Tatum nodded and sucked on the side of her cheek, sitting beside Kiara, their legs dangling off the deck, their toes tapping the edge of the water, swaying in sync. They stayed that was for a moment. Side by side, the only sound being the squawking of the seagulls. Kie ducked her head down, embarrassed of the stream that fell shamelessly down her face. Tatum's eyes watched her intently. She wished there was something she could do to help. Seeing Kiara like this made her chest burn. It crushed her heart to see Kiara in this much pain.

For the first time in her life, Tatum Quinn was speechless. There were times she chose to stay quiet, but there were never times she had nothing to say. Until she watched the girl she loved so much - the girl who never seemed to be hurt by anything - break before her eyes. Tatum lifted her arm and wrapped it around Kiara's shoulders comfortingly.

Feeling the instant warmth Tatum Quinn brought her, Kie moved closer so that their thighs were touching, and rested her head on her shoulder. She sighed, the cold tears turned hot. The straightness of her spine relaxed. And the stiffness of her face fell. All because of the power Tatum had over her.

"I know how this ends. I've seen this movie. I've starred in it," Kiara finally spoke, swallowing down the sob stuck in her throat. Tatum stared at her peacefully, patiently waiting for her to go on. Her face was so soothing to Kie; it made her feel like she was finally being heard. Tatum placed her palm on the girl's thigh lightly, gently squeezing it, bringing her comfort. "I mean, freshman year, it was my first year at the kook academy." She looked up to meet Tate's eyes as another sob was released from her lips. "You know how intimidating this is? And one of these things is obviously not like the other. I mean, I didn't have anything in common with anyone, and just as I'm about to slit my wrists, the queen asks me if I wanna go save baby sea turtles."

Tatum nodded, listening with a soothing intensity, refusing to let her mind stirr her away from Kie's words. She understood the way she felt. She really did. What Kiara was saying now was exactly how Tatum had felt all her life, trapped inside the four walls of her home. Until she met the pouges.

Kiara gulped, gaining the courage to go on. "Our first day together, we walked to the beach," she said, her eyes leaving Tatum's, feeling anxious as she finally told the whole story for the first time. "We waited for the hatch, and we kept the seagulls off so that the turtles could get to the water...I couldn't stop looking at her, thinking about how beautiful she was."

She looked up at Tatum, her dark eyes begging the girl to say something. She felt horrible for admitting it. Guilty. Because even back then, all those years ago, Tatum Quinn was hopelessly crushing on her best friend.

But Tatum nodded. She smiled lightly. Pulled Kiara closer to her. She understood. "I bet you liked that - having someone to save turtles with," she mumbled softly.

Kiara nodded. "It was the best day of my life," she admitted, sending physical pain through Tatum's heart. They'd cleaned the beach hundreds of times, they'd saved squirrels, turtles, lizards - everything - but the one day with Sarah Cameron was her favourite of all. Kiara shrugged. "But you know what happened after."

And she did. She heard all about the party - that was the first time the girls had spoken since their freshman years had started. Kiara completely ditched the pouges when she became friends with Sarah. They didn't hear from her for months. But then the Cameron girl broke her heart, and she came running back to Tatum, who welcomed her with open arms. She suggested shooting up the party with her big brother, Joseph, but Kiara decided to call the cops on them instead, ratting the teenagers out for underage drinking. Then, Sarah Cameron had the balls to tell everyone on the island that Kiara Carrera was a snitching bitch. Tatum was prepared to go out an kill her, but of course, Kie became the calming water to put out her wild fire.

"I'm not doing this with her," Kiara said confidently. "He's gonna have to choose."

Tatum shook her head, holding the girl closer in comfort. "You know he won't do that," she said, remembering the conversation the rest of the pouges had before she came out to see Kie. In the end, Tatum agreed that she'd work with Sarah only if Kiara did, because she cared more about Kie's feelings than her dad potentially murdering her for treason. Thomas didn't agree in the slightest. He would've killed John B in that moment and continued the hunt alone. But although he was a stubborn bitch, Tatum knew Thomas was more desperate for that gold than anything in the world, and would even go off with a Cameron, risking his life again, to get it. To get away from his family, and to get himself and his twin sister to safety.

"Then me and you can do it ourselves," Kiara decided, breaking the hug and gazing into Tatum's sensual, blue orbs. She was beautiful. "Me and you. Together. We can go and live in freaking Australia with all the kangaroos, and we can help out in the environment. Why not?"

Tatum frowned. It was a nice idea. One that she would dream about forever. But there was no doing this without their friends. "Because of Thomas," she said. "Because of JJ. Pope. And even though he's being an idiot right now, because of John B."

Kiara nodded. "Well, I'm not doing it if Sarah is," she repeated stubbornly.

"And I'm not doing it if you're not," Tatum assured calmly, holding her arm out to gently graze Kie's shoulder.

Kie smiled lightly. She broke eye contact for a spilt-second. Her eyes flickered to Tatum's lips. Tatum's did the same. Their faces moved closer in sync.

"Tate! Get your ass over here! Thomas is going mad!"

At her Pope's words, Tatum shrunk back. Kiara clicked her tongue to fill out the awkwardness.

Tatum pointed her thumb behind. "Well, I should, uh...I should..."

Kiara nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Yeah, go before anyone is killed."

A/n: this is probably my favourite chapter

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