𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝒅𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒔

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Tatum panicked as Pope and Kiara came closer to the boat. This morning, the twins woke up extremely early to urgent texts from John B, telling them he needed their help kidnapping Sarah Cameron. Although they hated their family and the name they represented, Thomas and Tatum were still Quinns, so there was no way they were going to say no to a fun, old kidnapping. Until Tatum found out the boys left out the part where they were doing it to trick Sarah and Kiara into talking. Now, she didn't have a problem with the two girls getting over their issues, but she had a huge problem with lying to Kie.

"Oh, my God, just shut the fuck up already," groaned Thomas, who was sick and tired of Tatum's morning energy. That happened every morning. For people that weren't used to it, she seemed super fun and cute. But for people like him, who had to deal with it every fucking morning since the day they were born, they really just wanted her to shut up and calm down for once. The girl seriously needed to install a pause button.

Getting over her brother's comment in the matter of seconds, Tatum smiled up at the sky. "There's no thunder today!" she exclaimed happily. "It might be a sign!"

"Don't jinx it," warned Kiara, jumping up onto the bigger boat.

Tatum froze. They hadn't spoken to or seen each other since the almost-kiss.

Was it almost a kiss? Or was the other just going to take a leaf out of her hair? What would've happened if Pope didn't interrupt? Questions like these had been overflowing both their minds, making their reunion incredibly awkward.

Being the stubborn girls they both were, Tatum and Kiara mentally decided to go by their day like nothing had happened between them. They weren't going to think about it, they weren't going to talk about it, they weren't going to - but, holy shit, they were obsessed with each other, and neither of them wanted to be the one to initiate anything, deep in the fear of rejection.

"What happened?" Kie demanded the three boys crouched over the trap door that brought them to the electronics.

"Uh, the alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore," lied JJ, messing around with a screwdriver.

Thomas rolled his eyes, muttering the word, "Idiot."

"It's not charged," John B corrected simply, looking up at the two girls standing over them. Tatum was staring at the floor, lost in her own mind, as usual. And Kiara had her hand on her hip sassily.

"Did you check the plug?" she asked, brushing her hair back.

"No. No, you should check them," JJ decided, standing up and handing her the screwdriver.

Tatum finally looked up from the floor at his words, knowing what they were going to do next. "Yeah," she encouraged Kie awkwardly. "Give it a whirl."

From the floor, Kiara rolled her eyes. "You guys are useless," she commented. She wasn't too sure what to make of Tatum's words, or Tatum at all. Had she already forgotten about the almost-kiss? Tatum usually forgets about things fast. Did she even know she was going to kiss her? Tatum was usually a little slow to pick up on things like that.

"Sorry about that," said JJ.

"We're not sorry at all," said Thomas.

After Tatum slapped her twin brother, the four hurriedly tiptoed out of the bridge of the ship.

"Come on, come on, come on," hissed John B.

"Uh, is this a joke?" Kiara called as they made it to the edge of the boat. "There are no plugs here, like, at all."

Tatum froze and turned around. Kie was going to kill them. Her. Slowly. She was seriously considering shutting the plan down and staying on the boat, until JJ picked her up and carried her like a fireman. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" He threw her into the sea with a giant splash, and then dived in himself with John B.

"This is so gay," muttered Thomas, shaking his head, before joining the others in the water.

Tatum thew herself back to the surface, choking and spluttering all over the place, whilst also violently attacking the lanky blonde that flung her under like a doll. "You're gay," she retorted, splashing water at her brother. Then, she frowned, feeling the inside of her bikini bra. "Hey!" she shouted at JJ, who was climbing into the smaller boat Pope was driving. "You owe me a new switchblade."

JJ shrugged as if to say 'not my problem', while John B bent down to help carry the girl onto the boat. He was doing everything he could to get his strong friendship he had with Tatum back. He knew he was a dick, and that most of the time Thomas was right for shouting at him for the way he treat his sister, but John B really did love that girl like blood. He loved all the pouges like blood. Even the grouchy, and the incredibly blunt, Thomas Quinn.

"I can't wait for Christmas," Tatum randomly stated, dangling her legs off the boat with a calming smile.

Thomas sighed, sitting beside her, searching her face as if it were a puzzle. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I want a puppy," she announced, laying her head back and looking up at Pope with a giggle. "Imagine how cute me and Kie would be as doggy mamas."

JJ choked on his beer. Thomas turned around and glared at him, knowing exactly what thoughts were going through his mind.

"I'd have questions about your parenting methods," Pope spoke up, picturing Tatum at a pet-smart, asking if they sold deadly weapons that puppies could use.

Tatum pouted.

"I think you'd be an excellent 'doggy mama'," John B complimented with a smile.

Thomas scoffed. "Fucking suck up."

"Get your asses back here!"

Tatum's whole body shot up at the furious, demanding voice of Kiara Carrera. In fact, it startled her so much that she fell right back into the water, causing the four boys to laugh at her.

"We can't!" John B called back. "Not till you two figure it out!"

"I will kill every single one of you!"

Tatum resurfaced from the water, but now she was missing her beer can. She scratched her head, searching the sea to look for it, hearing Kiara's voice in her head, ranting on at her about how bad it is for the turtles and fish, and whatever else lived in the water. But she could find it. At all.

"Y-you can't just leaved!"

"Oh." Tatum turned around to see Kiara Carrera and Sarah Cameron standing at the edge of the Pouge. She had forgotten they were there. She gave them a sweet, little wave, but only got two middle fingers in return, which earned Sarah a glare from Kie.

"Don't flip her off!"

"You did it!"

"There's food in the cabin, and JJ rolled four blunts!" Pope called to them before a huge argument broke out.

As Tatum cluelessly searched around the scene, Pope chuckled and helped her back onto the boat. Thomas spectated with a light smile. He wasn't doing it to score points - he was doing it because he was actually trying to help Tatum out.

"- Yeah, that Tate smoked three and a half of!" John B added, gesturing to the incredibly stoned girl.

Finally taking time to look at the airheaded girl, Kiara was taken off guard, and a little bubble of laughter forced its way out of her lips. She couldn't stop imagining scenarios as to what might've happened if Pope hadn't come. She was beginning to wonder if maybe she was more obsessed with Tatum than Tatum was with her, now. Oh, God, she really hoped that wasn't the case.

"Hydroponic!" JJ shouted with an okay hand sign, as Pope drove them away as fast as he could.

A/n: i really didn't have the energy to edit this, and it's not my best writing but oh well :) stan hyperactive, high tatum

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now