𝒍𝒙𝒊𝒗. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆

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When Tatum finally opened her eyes, it took her a long minute to recognise the place she was lying. Through the windows, all she could see was a thick shade of black. It was nighttime. Good. That was...good. She could apologise to Kiara, go to court and not have to face anyone for a few years. Yeah, and she'd get help in jail. Help she would take, because she really didn't want to hurt anyone else. Especially not her friends.

"Tatum -"

The girl shook her head at the man in the corridor, standing up onto wobbly legs. Heyward rushed to help her back onto the couch.

"No...No, I need to...I need to see my friends." She slobbered over her words like a drunk. Her hair was a greasy mess and her eyes held her crimes like trophies.

"Tatum, listen, you've been asleep for thirty hours," he told her calmly. He knew what she did. Everyone knew what she did. But she already missed her trial. Now John B was...the whole island was searching for her.

She shook her head again, tears falling down her face as she remembered what she did. Not the murders - she couldn't care less about those stupid things. "Kie. I hurt Kiara. I need to tell her I'm sorry."

"Tatum, listen," the man said firmly, holding her arms before she walked out into the mess outside. "John B and Sarah are dead."

Her whole body froze. Her face dropped. She looked at the man. In the eye. Deadly. "Who did it?"

"No one, it was a shipwreck," he assured her quickly, seeing nothing but murder on her facial features. It wasn't the same girl he loved and cared for like a daughter. Pope was right - she was different. "The cops are still out looking for you. You slept through your goddamn trial."

Tatum furrowed her brows. Then she laughed. Hysterically. "Wow, I guess nobody can escape this shithole, huh? First Thomas, now B and Barbie."

And as fast as she blew into bubbles and laughter, she broke into tears and  screams, yanking at her hair. Heyward pulled her hands away gently, careful not to hurt her.

She shook her head left and right rapidly. "No, no, he's not dead...this is all Ward's fault. No. He's not dead. No. No! NO!"

"Shh. Shh, come on, Tate," Heyward whispered, looking back and forth from the clock on his wall and the girl. He needed to get to the tents to pick up Pope. "I'm going to take care of you, okay? We're going to get you out of this mess, and you're going to live here with us."

At his words, the girl's head perked up. She blinked slowly, unsure of how to answer. Unsure whether he was lying or not. She was questioning everything ever.

"But I need to go and get Pope, okay?" he added, his tone still weirdly soft compared to his usual stressed voice. "So, while I'm there, can you quickly run into your house, and get your clothes? Do you think you can do that for me, Tatum?"

"Is John B really dead?" she finally asked, her eyes brimming with more tears.

The man nodded with a frown, feeling as though he failed his kids. All fucking five of them. Pope, John B, JJ, Tatum, Kiara - in his mind, they were all his kids. He cared for each and every one of them like they were his own, because their real parents never did.

"I need to come - I need to apologise to Kiara. She hates me. They all hate me."

"She doesn't hate you, Tatum," Heyward assured her, wiping a cold tear from her face. "She took you here herself because she didn't want anyone to find you."

"Okay, well, can you bring her back here?" she asked quickly. "I need to see her - all of them."

"I'll bring everyone back, Tate, I promise."

She nodded, not knowing how to feel. Angry? Sad? Excited? Sick? She definitely thought she was going to throw up.

But she stood up anyway and left home with her dad - her real dad - and made her way to her fake one. Or, at least, the house he lived in.

A/n: season two reveal - cole sprouse will be a face claim for a new oc

terrible chapter, but i didn't know how to fit her into the rest of the episode without killing anyone or going away with john b and sarah. like she would've killed barry and rafe in the fight and obviously i can't kill of them.

plus, i lowkey love the way that it has 69 pages lmao, and if i made anymore chapters, that wouldn't happen

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now