𝒙𝒊𝒊. 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓

9K 315 76


Excitement buzzing through the air, John B and Tatum were lifted back onto the boat with the help of JJ Maybank. She couldn't stop the flow of giggles that fell out of her mouth as Kiara looked at her with a genuine smile. She never had to know what Tatum really did down in the water. She never had to know that if she was down there a few more seconds, she most definitely would've died. What she did not know could not hurt her. And it definitely didn't hurt to have everyone cheering for Tatum because they thought she did something useful for once, when actually it was all John B.

"Yeah, the cops were up here, but we, uh...took care of them," said Pope as the two began taking the heavy gear off. Tatum was sure her spine was fractured. Kiara laughed and pulled her in front of her.

Sitting in between Kie's legs and having her back massaged, Tatum Quinn truly felt as though she were in heaven. Maybe she did drown down there. It was definitely worth it. She couldn't hear what the others were saying as she moaned through the feeling of her back being loosened. Kiara had no idea how the girl was feeling all that through her ridiculously thick, and soaking wet, coat, but smiled anyway. She craved nothing more than the giggles and the moans of Tatum Quinn.

But then she stopped. Tatum sighed; she was really enjoying that. The feeling of Kiara's hands all over her, the way their legs were pressed together...it wasn't the lack of oxygen that stopped her breathing. "Hey, guys, bogey, two o'clock."


They all turned to face the boat stalking them from ahead of the water. Then they all turned to Tatum. "Do you recognise that boat?" asked Pope, because usually when they were being watched, it had something to do with her family.

She furrowed her brows, trying her hardest to find a memory. She went down the list - Leroy, Joseph, Thomas, her dad - "Nope," she said confidently. "Never seen that in my life."

"What are they doing back there?" asked Kie. "The marsh is closed."

"I don't know," said JJ, "but let's not stick around to find out."

Tatum kept her eyes locked on the mysterious boat as the others prepared to leave. She could see two figures moving around. They were speeding. Closer.

"Are they coming for us?" asked John B, standing over her shoulder, snapping her back to life as they finally began to get a move on.

"I think so."

"Maybe they're fishing," Pope suggested. For someone who was obsessed with death and serial killers, he didn't like the thought of being threatened.

"Go, go, go, go!" shouted JJ, knowing those two men were absolutely not fishing.

JJ and Tatum weren't the smartest of the group, but when it came to violence and danger, they could get master degrees. So they instantly knew these two men were following them.

"Go into the marsh!" said Pope, deciding to listen as the other boat came closer.

"Let's go!" said Kie urgently.

"I'm going," John B told them. "Act natural."

The men were on their tail now. Literally. They sped up to catch the group of teenagers. Tatum was fuming.

"Hey, guys, they're following us," Kiara pointed out.

"Oh, this can't be good," panicked Pope.

"Dude, you gotta go faster!" JJ shouted over the sound of the engine revving.

"I'm going!"

"Gun it!"

"I'm going!"

Tatum stood at the very back of the boat, facing the two men, their faces in clear view to her now. She didn't recognise them. At all. If it wasn't her family they were after, then what the hell was their problem? "Ima shoot these bastards," she said, flipping the two men off. The second the words left her mouth, the two men pulled out massive guns and aimed at them. "Shit. I think I jinxed it."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kiara hissed, turning to face her in stress. The sound of a gunshot vibrated through the air.

Without a single thought or hesitation, Tatum threw Kie to the floor, and shielded her with her body. "Where the hell is my gun?" she demanded, meaning the pink one Kiara confiscated from her over a week ago.

"Here," said Pope, opening the trap door, and throwing it to her, his arm over his face, as if that was going to save him from a bullet.

Tatum caught her pistol effortlessly. The small weapon would be no match against their large ones, but she sure as hell had good aim. She'd been shooting a gun since she was able to touch. If she really wanted to, she could've easily killed Topper the night of the party.

She stood in front of Kie fearlessly, holding the gun out in front of her. But the fast motion of the boat made it harder to see. She took her shot anyway. She cursed in frustration as she watched one of the men bleed through his shirt. It was an inch away from his heart. She was so fucking stupid. She could've easily killed him right there and then. The other man took his chance to shoot back, the bullet grazing Tatum's right temple.

"Oh, my God, we're gonna die," said Pope in panic. Everyone was terrified. Everyone, except Tatum, who was now living off the buzz the bullet gave her.

"Whoo-hoo!" she shouted, taking another shot at the other man. But due to her excitement and the speed of the boat, she bearly even hit his arm. "I've got one down, but this other dick wants a fucking fight."

"Shit. Pope, move."

The sound of Kiara Carrera distracted Tatum more than any other voice ever could. Her eyes widened as the girl stood up, trembling in fear, but she kept walking on through the boat.

"Kie, get down!" Tatum screamed as another bullet skimmed her arm.

But she didn't. Kiara was scared as hell, but she didn't surrender. She grabbed a net as Tatum took another shot at the men. She threw it at the water in front of them with a grunt of effort. Tatum's eyes widened at the sound of another shot, and roughly pulled the girl back to the floor. There was no way she was letting her get hurt. She would always protect her, no matter what.

The moment the other boat hit the net, they were trapped. Kiara stopped them. She saved them all. Tatum grinned. "We are the hottest duo of defence ever," she said with a confident nod. "We should be sexy cops for Halloween."

Everyone began chuckling at the realisation of getting away. They finally understood Tatum's love for the thrill. They felt fucking fantastic.

"I'm gonna kill you, you fuckers!" Tatum screamed at the men, who were now way behind them and unable to keep shooting. "I know what you look like! Just wait until me and my brothers come for you!"

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now