𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔

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Kiara, Pope and JJ all stopped what they were doing and turned to Tatum Quinn, who was somehow looking even worse than she did the day before. After the fight last night, Thomas took her home after spending half an hour screaming in her friends' faces. He really didn't like her friends. He didn't like the way that no matter how hard she tried to prove herself, they were still cautious and anxious around her when she was in a bad state. And no matter how hard they pretended to be supportive, they would never actually be there for her when she had an episode. They only cared for her when she was sad, but when she was angry, they left. That wasn't how friendships were supposed to work, and he certainly wasn't going let anyone treat his twin sister like that.

"I don't know why I have to say all this again," she started, not breaking eye contact with Kiara. The others could fear her - it hurt, but she could deal with it  - but it felt like a slap in the face everytime Kie went into shock around her. "Because I'm really fucking sick of repeating myself now. Thomas was right last night." She rolled her eyes at the reactions of her three friends. They were expecting to hear her tell them how she stabbed her brother for having the audacity to raise his voice at them. "It isn't fair that you bail everytime I freak out, because you all know I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you - especially not myself. I'd kill myself before even squeezing one of you too tight." She watched as all their frozen faces morphed into guilt. Tatum shrugged. "So, if you're still scared of me, even after all the times I've had to apologise, and all the times I've risked my life and stood up for you guys - then I don't want you in my lives. I'm so sick of having to prove myself good to you guys everyday, and I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on people, who, at the end of the day, are always going to run away from me when things get bad."

Before anybody had a chance to respond, Heyward stepped into the shop, disappointment written all over his face as he looked at the girl he treat like a daughter. "Tate, there's some people here for you."

She furrowed her eyebrows at his face. She had no idea what was going on. Then, Sheriff Peterkin and Shoupe strolled in with a pack of deputies.

"Tatum Quinn, you're under arrest for breaking and entering, vandalism, arson, and the destruction of your probation."


"No, you can't take her!" shouted Pope, earning a warning glare from his father.

JJ reached up and punched Shoupe over the jaw as he tried handcuffing the girl, which lead to him having a pair of cuffs around his wrists.

Peterkin grabbed Tatum's arms lightly when she tried running away. "Don't make this any harder on yourself than it already is, hun," she warned, clamping the metal over her hands.

Pope and Kiara chased the cops as they lead their two friends outside Heyward's shop. They didn't know what to do. Tate wouldn't be let off on bail this time. She would be going to jail. Probably for life. Charged as an adult for the murder she committed weeks ago. They'd never see her again.

"Wait!" cried Kiara Carrera in panic. Peterkin and Shoupe turned to her impatiently. "I was the one who trashed the Cameron house. I was so mad when Rafe jumped Pope...I wanted revenge for him."

"Kie -" Tatum tried to warn her.

Peterkin raised a hand to silence the girl. She narrowed her eyes at Kiara. "There was an eye witness that stated it was Tatum Quinn they seen, and pointed a gun at her."

Everyone knew who the key witness was without having to think about it. Kiara held back a glare towards Tatum. She didn't tell them she pointed a gun at Sarah fucking Cameron. But that was beside the point now - she could scold her later if she wasn't behind bars. "Your witness - Sarah Cameron, right?" At the sheriff's nod, Kiara continued, "We used to be friends. She probably blamed Tate because she'd feel bad if I was locked up."

"You do realise how serious the charges are for what you're confessing to, right?" asked Peterkin, already beginning to take away Tatum's cuffs.

Kie nodded confidently. "I trashed the Cameron home."

"Kie -"

"Kiara Carrera, you are under arrest for breaking and entering, vandalism and arson."

The cuffs were taken off Tatum and replaced with her lover's wrists. Her mouth was wide open in shock. There was no way Kiara would survive a week in juvie.

The girls caught each other's eyes as Kie was placed in the back of the car, beside JJ. "I'm not afraid of you," was the last thing she said before the cops drove her away.

"Kie!" screamed Tatum as she chased the car. "JJ!"

Pope followed her, pulling the girl back before she threw something at the car. "Her parents can get her out on bail, Tate," he reminded her softly. "The same can't be said for you."

Tatum shook her head. "Luke's gonna kill J."

A/n: starting to love tiara again

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now