Chapter 11.

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          ── ・ 。゚☆: *

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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

As soon as the Millennium Falcon touched down on the Resistance base, a team of medical personnel burst into action, swiftly surrounding Finn's limp form. With gentle urgency, they lifted him onto a stretcher and rushed him into the medical facility on sight, trying to heal him as best they could.

Alora just stood on the platform. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her whole body ached, she felt like she could collapse right there on the ground. Her heart is what hurt the most, as she let everything hit her at once. Han's death, Finns condition, everything that kylo told her, about Luke being her father.


As Alora lifted her gaze, she met the tired eyes of Leia, who stood before her with a sorrowful expression. Without a word, Alora moved into Leia's open arms, embracing the warm, comforting space she offered. As Leia's arms enveloped her in a firm, loving hold, Alora's emotions finally found release, and she surrendered to her emotions letting her tears run freely down her face, her sobs muffled against Leia's shoulder. "I'm sorry" she whispered through the soft sobs "I couldn't save him"

Leia's gentle voice whispered soothing reassurances, her words barely audible as she cradled Alora's head in her arms.
"Shh, it's okay... you're home now," she murmured, her fingers tracing gentle, calming strokes along the back of Alora's head. "I've got you honey"

"Is it true? I really his daughter?"

Leia gently drew back, her thumbs tenderly sweeping away the tears from Alora's face. She cradled Alora's cheeks in her palms, her eyes locking onto the girl's as she took in every detail of her features. A soft, nostalgic smile spread across Leia's face as she nodded her head at the young woman before her, marveling at the profound changes since she last saw her. "Yes" her voice barely above a whisper.

Alora's feet seemed to move of their own accord, taking a step back as a weight settled upon her chest, making her heart feel heavy and labored. The air around her grew thick, and her breath caught in her throat, as if the very act of inhaling had become a struggle.

"When my son turned against Luke and joined the dark side, taking you with him, Luke was consumed by his search for you," Leia's voice trembled. "He scoured the galaxy, searching Star Destroyer after Star Destroyer, seeking any hint of your whereabouts or fate... until he stumbled upon a devastating file in one of the ships data bases." Leia's breath caught as she struggled to continue. "It was a list of prisoners executed at the hands of Kylo Ren... and your name was among them." Tears welled up in her eyes. "We thought we'd lost you forever and Luke...he was overcome with grief and guilt, feeling he'd failed you both. The pain became too much, and he vanished, unable to bear it."

Alora's gaze pleaded for answers as she searched Leia's eyes, her own filled with a deep-seated pain and confusion. "Why can't I remember?" she implored, her voice cracking with desperation. "No matter how hard I try, my memories of him, of you, of Han...remain shrouded in darkness. It's as if my past has been erased, leaving me with only fragments of a life I don't recognize."

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