Chapter Thirteen: Raging Gyarados

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The entirety of the day was mostly spent in the Pewter City Police Station, filling in to the authorities about the events that transpired in the museum and how an artifact was stolen right from under their noses. The museum itself had been closed down for day, not allowing anymore visitors.

Officer Jenny let go off Red and Leaf after hearing the details of the culprits responsible for t he robbery and gaining necessary information on them which included their facial sketches and the Pokémon they used for their purpose. Also most of the museum staff were found knocked out during the time of the robbery, courtesy of the members of the organization called Team Lunar.

Red and Leaf had to endure most of the mental strain of the fiasco since they were the ones who faced off against the culprits to thwart their attempts on trying to steal the blue colored crystal though they failed. Their entire day was spent answering questions regarding the incident and hardly they got any time to worry on other stuff. 

Brock, taking pity on the two trainers offered them to stay in his house for night along with his siblings. The two trainers didn't find any reason to deny the Gym Leader and took on his offer. The night spent at Brock's house with his siblings and getting a chance to taste his expert-level cooking proved to be refreshing for the two trainers. 

"You two shouldn't be so hung up on today's events." Brock stated. He had opened up the hardly used guest room in house, having the second eldest of the siblings, Forrest quickly clean it up for the guests. 

The gym leader took note of the dejected behaviors of the two trainers despite his siblings especially the younger ones doing their best to keep them distracted from their negative thoughts. Once they were left alone their facade that they managed to put up in front of the children disappeared. One of the other jobs of a gym leader is to guide the trainers for whatever path they want to lead. And Brock is going to do his job.

"Not everyone can win always. There are always times where you loose a battle." He continued once he got their attention. "I mean I lost to you two didn't I?"

"But this feels different from other losses I had." Red's mind flashed back to the battle he had with Blue on Viridian City. "This time I felt powerless. As if the opponent is telling me that no matter what I do, I will never be able to beat them."

"I can say the same." For Leaf this was her first loss in a Pokémon battle. She finally felt what a loos feels like.

"Does that mean you are stopping your journey for which you set out from your homes here?" Brock inquired, his voice getting deep. This got him the full attention of the two trainers. "I realize that the opponent might have been overwhelming but is your resolve that shallow?"

The gym leader's words got the two thinking. They would be facing even more tougher opponents far ahead on the road. Even the gym leaders from now on will be more tougher than Brock and the level of difficulty will simply rise not fall behind. After that there is the Pokémon League where the best trainers from all over the region will partake to claim the spot at the top. 

Aside from that there is both Team Rocket and Team Lunar who possess unknown threat to the region of Kanto. Both of them have unknown motives and they think and work with the feeling that there is no one to stop them. But someone has to step up.

Red gazed down at his right palm with an intent-filled gaze before clenching it into a fist. "You are right Brock. My dream is to become the Champion and in no one I am letting this one loss letting me down. Next time i am going to beat that glasses prick."

"And I won't be doing all this alone." Red's grey eyes met with Leaf's light blue eyes. His gaze was earnest and determined. "I need your help to Leaf. We are in this mess together after all."

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