Poker Face

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Chapter 23- How Good is Your Poker Face?

"Hurry up!" Someone whispered behind Lucy, pushing her into the casino. She stumbled, but quickly regained herself. She frowned behind her, but her friends had already disappeared into the crowd.

She opened her hand and looked at it. Sighing, she clutched it and went up to the machine, feeding it her money as it spit back Tokens labeled "Gamble Go" which was the name of the casino she was at.

Her leg felt weak as she looked around. What should she do? She didn't feel lucky, and this was all they had, if she spent it on nothing, what would her friends say?

Her eyes skimmed over the place, until she saw an empty slot machine. She sat down on the red cushion, and fed the slot machine a few coins. Taking a deep breath, she scrunched her eyes closed and pulled the lever. She heard the wheels spin, and one by one they stopped suddenly. When Lucy opened her eyes, she saw she had no luck. She groaned, and got up.

Thats when she saw a table. She didn't know what it was, but she sat down anyways. The table was green, and curved around a dealer, with stools around the curve. Lucy sat, and gave the dealer a nervous smile.

"Hi," she said timidly as she slid him some coins.

"Welcome to Black Jack, are you ready?" He asked, and she nodded. He put down a card.

"Hit me." Another.

"Hit me." She lost. She gave him more coins, and he put down another card.

"Hit me."

"Hit me." Each time she lost, but she just gave him more. It was when she was down to just enough for one more game that she got worried. She clapped her hands together, asked for a blessing, and muttered "hit me."

She got a seven. "Hit me." Another card. Her total was 15. She closed her eyes tight. "Hit me." There was silence for a minuet, until she had enough courage to open her eyes and accept defeat. But it wasn't defeat.

"Congratulations," the dealer said, "wanna try again." Lucy gave him a nervous smile. She nodded.

"Hey, can you deal me in?" A voice asked. Lucy turned around and saw a man, young, maybe mid-30's. He was dressed nicely, and as he walked over Lucy could hear the many coins jingle in his pockets.

"Sure." Lucy took her reward, and parted with half.

The dealer gave them both a card.

"Skip." Lucy said.

"Hit me." The dealer gave the man a card, and it was a good one. Lucy winced. She shouldn't have skipped.

"Hit me." She was up to 8.

"Hit me."


"Hit me."

It wasn't until later were they both tied, and nearing their final number. Lucy was first to go. She'd lose if she choose wrong. She bit her lip and took a deep breath.

"Hit me." He set the card down slowly. A four.

"I won!" Lucy cheered. "Yeah! Deal me in again!" She took her coins from the dealer, and split it in two. She was on a winning streak for awhile, but soon, her luck started to get sour. She had made triple the amount than when she came in, but it still wasn't enough. She looked at the man next to her, who smiled broadly. She didn't like the looks of the man. She stood up, but felt someone grab her wrist. It was the man.

"Stay, I feel the sun shinning upon this table. It's interesting, no?" She resisted the urge to yank her hand away from him, she didn't want to cause a scene.

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