Not a Bang but a Whimper

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Chapter 1: The World Ends not with a Bang, but a Whimper

Lucy felt a empty feeling in her stomach. When the day progressed it only seemed to get heavier, weighing her down. Soon, it began to bother her, so she went to Wendy.

Wendy was a 12 year old Dragon Slayer Mage. She had long blue hair and specialized in healing, which was a lost magic. She had recently joined Fairy Tail (if you hadn't counted the seven year sleep), yet she felt like an old friend to Lucy, as if they've known each other forever.

"Maybe you're hungry?" Wendy asked. Lucy shook her head.

"I'm not in that hungry mood at all, besides I can't even stomach down my pancake." She said, glancing at her pancake. Even thinking about eating made her want to gag.

"Does that mean I can have it?" Natsu said, appearing next to her suddenly. Lucy felt a ping of annoyance. She described an awful stomach ache and all he got out of it was more food? She want to smack the pink haired fire mage. She sighed.

Then suddenly, a silver hand bashed him in the head. He groaned and fell to the ground.

"After all that, that's what you understand?" Erza, a red haired mage, asked in annoyance. Natsu let out a high pitched groan from the floor. Erza looked at him in annoyence, then to Lucy with sympathy.

"I do hope you fell better soon, but Natsu raises a good point." She said.

"What?" Lucy asked in confusion. "What point?"

"You're not going to eat the pancake, I might as well eat it." Erza announced. Lucy was too scared to say no, so she just watched as Erza then sat next to Lucy, scooting her closer to the edge of the booth chair and ate her pancake.

"Come on, I called it!" Natsu said from the floor. Erza gave him a death glare. She kicked him and he groaned again. "Or you can just have it." The stomach feeling began crawling up from the bottom of Lucy's stomach to her chest now. She began to feel trouble breathing. Her head began to hurt and she wanted to throw up.

"I'm just gonna go home, okay guys?" She said. Natsu picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself.

"Are you sure you're not gonna stay, were gonna on a job soon." Lucy frowned. No one had told her. She thought about her rent due at the end of the month. Still, her head was pounding and the feeling was getting worse.

"I don't know, Natsu."

"Come on, Lucy!" Erza said, now finished with Lucy's- er, Erza's- pancake. Lucy thought. She could mope around all day in her apartment or go on a job.

"Alright!" She said. "What's the job?"

"Who's turn is it?" Erza asked. Natsu grinned and Lucy felt fear creep into her soul. Natsu picked the most dangerous, preverted jobs. They did pay well, but still, safety vs money.

"Um, maybe we should let Wendy choose!" Lucy offered.

"Nonsense!" Wendy said happily. "I choose last time!" Which is why I wants you to choose! Lucy thought. Last time consisted of visiting a small town to guard some store from thieves. Just Taurus was enough to drive them away.

It paid low but enough low paying jobs will make of Lucy's rent in just two weeks.

Natsu laughed and marched to the small job post. He scanned them all with Happy. Happy would make suggestions and Natus who shake his head, but they were too at for Lucy to hear.

Finally, Natsu plucked one off the board and marched toward them, his usual grin spread across his face.

He waved the paper at them and smacked it down on the table. The rest of the guild went about the usual things as Natsu sat next to Wendy and across Erza.

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