If and buts

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I was reading chapter 7 and I realized I put a LuLo (or is it LoLu?) moment in there by accident. Reading that, I almost kinda wanting to ship them. . . Let's just say, I'll be happy if Lucy ends up with anyone. Everyone is just so compatible that I just want them all to have one huge man-dingle party! (Okay, maybe not that far. . .)

Chapter 10- There are no if and buts.

Lucy was glad to be herself again, especially with the hope she can save her friend. But when she boarded the train at Magnolia, she could finally do what she wanted. One of the things she missed doing much.

As she looked out the window, she grinned as she saw a flustered Gray look around anxsiously. He scratched the back of his head, flustered. The train was leaving soon, yet Gray was waiting for a certain mage to come say her good-byes.

The train whistle blew, and Gray, with a sorta disappointed look, turned toward the train ready to board. Lucy's grin faltered. She was so close.

Just as Gray began to ascend the stairs to the train, a crying voice yelled out; "Gray-sama!" Gray turned around and there he saw Juvia, running at him in full speed.

Gray leaped off and she crashed into him. She hugged him, spilling out all her good-byes really quickly. He hugged her tightly, glancing up when the train started to inch forward slowly.

"Gray! Hurry up!" Erza called from the window, also enjoying the love scene. Gray nodded.

He looked back at Juvia, pecking her quickly on the lips before running to the train and jumping on. He waved her good-bye as she soon disappeared from sight.

Lucy snickered as she saw him stalk toward their booth, blushing severely. He sat next to Erza and looked away.

Natsu, gagging fell onto Lucy's lap, where she allowed him to stay for the moment being. She grinned evilly at Gray.

He caught her eye, and-blushing a color that put Erza's hair to shame-averted his eyes.

"Erza," Lucy said, as Erza looked at her. "I do wonder what i'm going to wear." Erza gave her a questioning look.

"For what?"

"Gray and Juvia's wedding, of course." That's when Gray, who exploded in a series of coughing fits, sunk lower into his seat. Erza smiled too.

"Oh, and Erza, I had a question." Erza looked at her again, still smiling.

"When are you and Jella going to get married?" She laughed and this time Gray smiled too.

"All that marriage talking, Lucy." He said it small at first but growing more confident. "Perhaps it has something to do with the person on your lap?" Lucy blushed deeply.

"No, it's was your kiss." Erza and Gray both smiled evilly at her.

"You sure?" Gray asked.

"Yes," Lucy said, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes. Natsu then let out a groan as he sunk deeper into sleep, causing the ice and armor mage to snicker. Lucy, not bothering to open her eyes, slid farther from Natsu, and pushed his head away. He responded by scooting closer and laying down again.

The rest laughed out loud as Lucy struggled to get him off her lap, but in the end gave up.

"We're not dating though!" She said. "So no wedding."

"I'm not dating Jella," Erza stated boardly.

"Didn't sound like that when you told me about him." Lucy said back, a devious look in her eyes. Erza, blushing, gulped.

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