Attack of the Dogs

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Chapter 4: Attack of the Dogs

The four wizard and blue cat continued their expedition two day after the train fight. Erza and Gray had fully recovered by the evening before, but held out off till the morning.

The continued to walk along the train tracks. They all staggered along, but since they had no luggage, their wasn't anything truly slowing them down.

Erza had taken lead, but the walk was quiet. She had personally thanked Kurai for helping nurse her. She said she felt bad not being able to be useful.

"At least you didn't fall out of the train," Kurai said, scratching the back of her head nervously while blushing. "By the way, Happy, I never truly thanked you for saving me." She said.

Happy flew next to her. "All I ask in return is you going on a diet, and a hundred fish." Happy said.

"Don't push it Happy, she hasn't eaten in 3 days." Happy gasped at what Natsu said. The others watched her with curiosity. She didn't want to tell them about the blessing which also have her her thunder power. She just wasn't ready to share that.

She shook her head. "I guess it's the excitement of the adventure," she lied. "I don't seem to be able to stomach anything down." She tried for a playful smile, but Natsu looked like he didn't believe her.

She seemed so familiar to him. It hurt him to see her. He wanted to believe she could actually bring back Lucy. But he got a feeling she couldn't. Lying was something Kurai did often, Natsu could feel that. But he wondered why.

They walked quietly along the tracks. They finally came onto the town.

"Yes! Food!" Natsu cried. He wanted to run to the nearest restraunt, but Kurai grabbed his collar. "What?" She hushed him sharply and looked around. He frowned then heard something.

Erza looked around, suddenly vigilant. Gray put his fist in his palm, ready to summon a spell. Erza's hands glowed and closed around a sword. She scanned the hirizon.

Natsu lit his fist. He didn't hear anything. He wondered if that's what Kurai had meant. Their were no birds tweeting, squirrels chattering, absolutely nothing. It was all too quiet.

Then, a low growl sliced through the quietness. Snaps could be heard, like twigs snapping. They watched as a dark figure stepped out of the woods behind them.

Kurai cursed to herself, they were so close to town! She felt her fingers tingle with electricity. She felt anger boil through her veins.

The dark figure stepped into the light. He had tan skin, dark curly hair, and a slouched relaxed figure. He looked at them with amusment, like they were so lowly.

He laughed. Kurai knew exactly who he was. "Allow me to introduce myself," he said. "I am Victor, right-hand man of Malus himself." He bowed. He smirked at the, winking at Erza and Kurai.

Natsu was the first to attack. He rushed forward, jumping to the air. His hands grew in flamed. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" He yelled as he hit Victor with two whip-like fire slashes that crossed. A dust of smoke clouded around Victor.

"Easy peasy!" Natsu annouced. He dusted his hand as he walked back toward the with a grin. But when another low growl was summoned from inside the smoke cloud, Natsu looked back.

Victor walked out, unscratched. He swiped his hand, pushing away the dust. He smiled at them.

"A little candle cannot burn the one's spirit." Kurai brandished out her electrical whip. She snapped it, and it cracked next to her. Then, she sent her electricity through it. It felt like cold water running down her arms.

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