This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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Sorry, I was stuck on 18 forever! Seriously, it was meant to be short and somehow changed into the dream and then that fight and what not. Now onto the door! I apologize if you're looking for any action in this scence, cause there won't be a lot. Anyway, enjoy ^_^

Chapter 19- This is why we can't have nice things, Lucy.

The group huddled around the small door. The frowned at it's size.

"I don't think this is it," Erza said. "Even Wendy looks like she might have trouble getting through." Lucy crouched down and picked up a cat at random. It was Happy. Lucy pushed Happy against the wall, mentally taking in the measurments.

"Happy, Carla, and Lily might be able to fit, although it's a tight squeeze." Lucy said.

"Yeah, but they're cats. How were monks and priests suppose to get in there?" Gray asked. Lucy gave a half-hearted smile.

"Magic. . .?"

"Duh, but what kind?" Lucy pondered this for a moment. Before, there were lots of traps. The scroll triggered the spikes to come down on Natsu and Lucy, there had been several trick rooms, and empty key holder, and certain torches had to be lit in order for the large, stubborn door to open.

"I don't know," Lucy said. "Maybe it's not magic."

She looked down to the cats. "Do you guys mind checking it out?" She asked.

"If I get a fish. . ." Lucy sweat-dropped.

"Sure, if you bring any useful information." Happy grinned.

"Aye!" He tried for the door, pulling it with all his might. It didn't even budge, and eventually Happy lost his footing and fell back.

He cried on the floor. "How am I suppose to get any fish?"

"Happy, you didn't let me finish." Lucy said. "It's locked." Happy sat up, sniffing and wiping his nose.

"Do I still get a fish?" Lucy ignored him and looked to Gray.

"Can you use the key from the other room?" Lucy asked Gray. He nodded and held out his hand. The air around him turned cold and his palm glowed a bright whitish-blue. When the light died down, Gray had a key in his hand.
He knelt by the door, which was a lot smaller to him than Lucy and the cats, and unlocked it. But when hen he turned the key, the key broke, leaving the key permanently stuck inside the keyhole.

The others eyes widened as they took on different expressions.

Lucy sulked farther away, pounding her fist on the ground. "My clue. . ." she whispered, and began tracing circles in the dust on the floor with her finger. "So close. . ."

Happy cried next to Lucy on his hands and knees. "Now I'll never get that fish."

"You idiot! Now we can never get in!" Natsu growled, seizing Gray's collar. Gray's eyes narrowed at Natsu.

"I apologize to everyone, but Natsu!" Gray said.

"Huh?" Natsu asked. Then his face twisted in agitation. "Why?" He exclaimed.

"'Cause you're an ass!"

Wendy tried to get the two settled down as Gajeel punched the wall, sinking to his knees. "How the hell are we suppose to save Levy with these idiots?" He yelled.

"I agree, let's ditch them."

"Who the hell said that?" Gray and Natu said in unison. When they realized they did, they looked at each other and growled.

"You're not even in this conversation!" Lucy yelled at Venus, who had suggested they ditch the guys. Venus gave Lucy a "tch" and looked away, making Lucy clench her fist and growl with irritation.

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