Telling the team

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As I wake up next to my girlfriend of five months, she says, "God, I love waking up beside you." I respond, "Good, get used to it, because I'll always be here." As I kiss her neck and start nibbling, making some hickeys, she reminds me, "You'll have to cover those up." I suggest we take a shower before everyone else wakes up, but Wanda pulls me back into bed.

"No, stay. I don't care if they know," Wanda says, giggling. "I'm ready to show off my beautiful girlfriend. You've been patient with me and waited until I was ready to share our love with the world. I'm ready now."Hearing her words, my heart swells with joy. I can't stop smiling as I think about how lucky I am to have such a truly loving, supportive partner.

 I pull Wanda into a passionate kiss, and we giggle at the idea of finally being able to publicly claim one another. " Question, How long did you and Natasha's relationship last?" She asked, looking into my eyes. "Two almost three years" I responded trying to remember correctly.  "Oh wow that explains a lot and that was a good length of time being with someone" she replied. 

As she pulled me closer, I questioned whether it was okay that we were still such good friends. She reassured me that it was fine and that Natasha was very respectful of our relationship, no longer kissing me on my cheek or neck, or calling me "love," and that she seemed to be slowly forgiving her. I was happy to hear this and expressed how important it is that we all get along.

After our shower, Wanda was in the bathroom brushing her hair, so I used this as an opportunity  to grab one of her hoodies. We didn't used to share clothes because we wanted to keep our relationship low-key, but now that we're officially together, I can take as many of her hoodies as I want. As I put it on, I felt Wanda's arms wrap around me from behind. "You look adorable in my clothes" she complimented and I smiled turning round to kiss her.

"Let's go get breakfast shall we" she suggested as to which I agreed.

After Wanda and I made our way downstairs, we saw that Natasha was already there."Morning, lovebirds," Natasha greeted us with a grin as she flipped pancakes on the stove. I greeted her back, and she turned the stove off and walked over to where Wanda and I were sitting on the counter, with Wanda between my legs."You guys want pancakes?" she asked, moving the plate closer to us. We both nodded, pleased with the offer."You guys better wrap it up," Natasha instructed. "The others will be up soon."Wanda took the initiative to speak up, letting Natasha know that she actually wanted to tell everyone."Its fine Tasha, Wanda actually want to tell everyone," she said, her fingers indicating our position.

Wanda leaned in to give me a quick kiss, and I could feel her laughing before she turned her head towards my neck. Natasha walked over to grab the syrup bottle as to which I reached out for. "Lov- YN here I was going for it for you anyways " she said handing me the syrup and looking away embarrassed .

"Its kinda funny seeing you try and hide the fact that you just called my girlfriend love" Wanda said laughing, "I'm sorry Wands calling her that for four years its kinda a habit but I promise I'm not doing it for spite or to make you feel any way" she said looking down.

"It's fine Natasha as I told Y/N I get it" While they were talking I tried opening the syrup and it accidentally squirted (cheeky) all on Nat's Top. "Tasha I'm so sorry" I said trying to get down from the table to help her, "No, No Stay its okay I was gonna change to go training anyways" Nat said getting up, "I'll see you love birds later" Nat said existing. "Bye Nat" Wanda and I said at the same time .

Wanda then held me in place and leaned her head back on my chest when I tried getting up. "You're really cuddly today" I said kissing her forehead, she then lifted up her head and kissed me, while making out we heard a gasp I turned around to see the kid looking at us shocked. "Hey Miss Y/L/N and Miss Maximoff " he said and then quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Peter stops by the compound occasionally to visit, but he doesn't live here. I gave Wanda a final kiss and we both started giggling. "Love you, but I've got to train now," I say. I hop down from the counter and make my way over to the training room, ready to start my day.

Wanda's POV

After my girlfriend left I went into the living room and sat on the couch next to peter, "Hey pete" I greeted, when he didn't give a response I turned to look at him.

 "Peter? Peter what's wrong ?" I said realizing he was ignoring me , but he stayed quiet. "Peter if you don't tell me I'm gonna read your mind" I said feeling anxious that the kid was ignoring me. "I can't believe you would do that, I actually liked you miss Maximoff " he said and then quickly ran off before I could question what he meant.

I shrugged the incident off and decided to watch television for some time. After a while, everyone started coming downstairs "Hey wiggle woo" Sam said sitting next to me, a little too close for my liking. Sam is always flirting with me.

"Hey Sam" I said with an awkward smile, "Sam, leave her alone" I heard Bucky say while walking in the living room with his breakfast. "Back off buck " he replied and moved closer to me, before I could say anything my girlfriend walked into the room her hair wet and with her  wearing another one of my hoodies she must have finished training early and went to take a bath.She walked over to where I was and placed a kiss on my lips while glaring at Sam.

" Woah you guys are dating " he said shouting catching the attention of Tony, Steve ,Thor, Clint and Bruce  as to which they all walked into the kitchen and looked at us. "I knew it" Tony said holding out his hands towards Clint and Clint slipped him a $30 dollar bill.

"Damn Maximoff I didn't know you could pull Y/N" Tony said sitting in a couch followed by the others. "I thought Y/N was just helping you settle down and was just being nice to you" Clint said. " Nope she's my girlfriend for bout five months now" I said proudly and then kissed my girlfriend again . Upon telling them the news, the team congratulated us, and we thanked them for their support. Although I was previously hesitant to share our relationship status, I now felt a sense of belonging, with my girlfriend cuddled into my chest as I looked around the room at my fellow team members.

"Hey love would you like some water" I said looking down at her, "That would be great thank you" she responded and I got up and went towards the kitchen .

Nat's POV

I walked into the living room to see everyone laughing ,smiling and watching television. I walked over to Y/N and sat beside as to which she rested her head on my shoulder while we watched television. A second later Peter walked into the room went for the remote and paused the show.

 "I have something to say to Natasha well Everyone and though it is not my business I feel as if it's important to come clean to what I have witnessed" he said now standing in the middle of the room. 

"Y/N is cheating on Natasha with Wanda " he said turning towards me with a sad look, "I'm sorry Miss Romanoff but I caught them kissing in the kitchen earlier this morning" Everyone started laughing and the kid stood there looking confused.

"Y/N and I aren't dating" I said chuckling, "Ohh that's what you were talking about earlier" Wanda said walking in. She then walked over to the couch and stood there, "May I have back my girlfriend please" she said laughing "Of course" I say getting up. 

"I'm sorry guys" Peter said looking down "No its Okay , You were trying to help" I said "Snitch" Y/N said laughing.

1438 Words

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