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I opened my eyes and looked towards the clock that read two in the morning and I started waking Wanda. "Wanda I want ice cream" I said shaking her. She opened her eyes and looked at the clock, "Love its two in  the morning, I'll get you ice cream when we wake later" she said pulling me into her and going back to sleeping and I started sobbing. "Hey don't cry okay, Okay we'll get ice cream" she said sitting up and pulling me with her.

She put on a yellow dress and then a hoodie on me with shorts and we started heading downstairs. She wanted to take the car but I preferred walking, we made it to an ice cream shop and she ordered two chocolate cones, paid and now we're walking back talking. "Thank you for getting me ice cream" I said holding her hand. "No problem love , anything for you three" she said gently squeezing my hand. "Can you believe one of the strongest avengers is scared to give birth" I said, "Its okay to be frightened or scared but I'll be by your side through it all and hey next time I'll carry the baby" and I stopped and started laughing. "Next time, let's hope it's not anytime soon I can't deal with twins and their moody pregnant Mom" I said and We both started laughing. "We'll wait until I marry you and the twins are about ten/eleven" she responded seriously. "You want to marry me?" I asked, "Of course who wouldn't, you're an amazing person and you're bringing two and hopefully soon more of my children in this world" and I just kissed her, We went back to the compound and into bed.

I woke up a couple hours later and didn't see Wanda. I got out of bed, took a shower then went to Natasha's room and knocked and she immediately opened it. "Hey what's up? haven't seen you in awhile especially with your protective girlfriend around" she said chuckling and inviting me in. I sat on the bed and she laid down behind me, "Haha yes she has been protective especially since Thor Left his hammer in the way and I nearly tripped and fell. I have never seen Thor so scared but from that no one even allowed near me and my bump"  I responded dying of laughter.

"May I?" she asked, indicating to my belly, "Tasha you don't have to ask" I moved up on the bed and she came close to my belly and laid her hand on it. "Hey there guys" and they kicked, "Wow they must really love to hear my voice" she joked. "Can't believe Wanda got you pregnant though " she said in a tone I couldn't read but I shrugged it off It's hard to read Natasha. "Yea ,and you won't believe what happened this morning. We went for ice cream and we we're talking and then She said when the twins are older we should have more kids and she can't wait to marry me," I said giggling but notice how she tensed at the word Marry. "Is everything okay Tasha?" I asked her.

"Hmm yeah just thinking about how Happy you are and you deserve it" she responded hugging me. "Natasha Will you be the God mother of our Children?" I asked her and tears started falling from her eyes. "Do you even have to ask of course, I would be honored" she responded. "Good Now I'll have to ask Yelena,and then  Steve and Clint to be the God father because they we're always there for Wanda, like a father figure to her,Tony's already Grandfather so" I said and we started laughing again but then we heard knocking.

"Y/N, Natasha meeting room now" We heard Yelena on the other side and we got up and Made it downstairs. I then saw Wanda and sat beside her giving her a quick kiss, Steve Started by placing a file in front of us. "Paparazzi caught pictures of you guys this morning and Y/N's very visible bump and for safety for the twins life's I suggest we double security" Steve said and I took the file and saw me and Wanda laughing and eating ice cream with words under it.

"Y/N ,Y/L/N now pregnant ,Who's the father ?How far along is she? Can she manage pregnancy and a Avengers lifestyle ? Can she still protect us while being pregnant?"  I passed it to Wanda and she read the words and used her powers to throw it in the bin and I held her hands. "We should definitely double security, Vision you should be more alerted now and Tony can upgrade the security" I said and They all nodded. "May I see the photo" Bucky asked softly and Steve pulled out another file and They all looked at it reading the words. "I hate Paparazzi" Bruce said.

"Yep now the whole world knows I'm pregnant and my children might be in danger" I responded sighing placing a hand on my belly. "We'll take precautions ,Everything for the baby is already here,Shopping that's up to Bucky and Yelena ,you guys wanna go for a walk in the park you'll have to turn invisible with Vision watching from a safe distance, Y/N you'll give birth in Medical Bruce knows how to deliver a baby and if he don't which I highly doubt your six months along he'll learn in four months ,I'll work on the security" Tony said and we all agreed and went our separate ways .

We went into the Backyard of the compound which had an out door pool, We also have an indoor one, I went to a locker and put on a shirt and Shorts and carefully dived in and it was the most relaxing thing I have ever felt I just swam around a bit. "You're not joining me" I asked Wanda who was zoned out "Wands?" I said a bit louder. "Hmm?" she responded, "I asked if you're joining what's wrong" I said swimming towards her.

"Thinking about you and the babies" and I came out of the pool and kissed her cheek. "We will be fine" I then pulled her to the end of the pool and we sat down with her feet in it. "Whose last name should the babies get?" I suddenly asked, "As I told you this morning I'm gonna marry you so We'll give them Y/L/N,Maximoff" she said and got in the pool swimming around. "I'd like that" I said smiling she then swam close to me and stood between my legs with her head on my belly "I asked Natasha and she said yes" I said while running my hand through her hair. "I asked Clint, but I haven't had a chance to ask Steve yet" she replied "I'll ask Yelena later and you can ask Steve".

We stayed for a little while before we dried off and put on our spare clothes. We made our way into the kitchen and I started making Brunch for us and Wanda insisted on letting her do it but I just shrugged her off.

I made us sandwiches and I went to the fridge and got myself some fruits and turned around to see Vision staring at Wanda. "Vision what are you doing?" I asked, taking a seat. "Nothing" he said before Floating into the ceiling. "That was weird" I said eating a grape and Wanda hummed in response. "I'll catch you later I'm gonna go talk to Steve" she said and kissed my cheek and left, I then had a great idea and packed a basket with food and started heading to my room.

When I got there I started looking for blankets and ring lights as I stepped out of the room with everything I was met by Yelena. "Hey El I was wondering if you wanted to be the baby's God mother" I asked her nervously ,"I would like nothing more" she responded taking some of the stuff out of my hands. "So where are we going?" she asked and I just giggled. "The roof" I said and we walked to the elevator and asked Friday to bring us to the roof.

Yelena assisted with decorations, helping to hang the lights, lay out the blankets, and bring the place together. Once the work was done, I expressed my gratitude for her help and headed to my room to clean up.

After that, I sought out Wanda, finding her in a jovial conversation with Vision, both of them laughing as they conversed. "Hey wands I have a surprise for you" I said walking over to her placing a kiss on lips.

Once Wanda and Vision departed, I led her to the elevator, slipping a blindfold over her eyes. When we reached our destination, I heard the elevator ding, indicating that we had reached our destination, and proceeded to guide her to the surprise.As I removed the blindfold, she marveled at the sight, exclaiming, "Love, this is too much. You shouldn't have gone through all the trouble for me." I replied, "Well, we barely get to go on dates because something always happens, and you've been so great and understanding with my pregnancy. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you."

She smiled at me and kissed me, saying, "I love you too, and I can't believe it's already been a year and three months since we've been together. Every second is precious to me."We stayed the whole night eating and laughing and just looking at the stars until I got sleepy. Wanda led me to bed and we both snuggled up together with half her body on mine and her lower half on the bed.

1600 words

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