Family of six

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I woke up to the sound of giggling and saw Aiden, Pietro and our three year old daughter Aurora jumping on the bed giggling. Four months after our trip to Asgard we got married and Thor was kind enough to let us have our wedding at the beautiful lake and he had to restrict anyone other the team from going to that area.I am now Mrs,Y/l/N Maximoff and I couldn't be happier.

Two years after when the twins were three years old we welcomed our daughter Aurora Y/l/N Maximoff into the world and it was hectic at first with three kids especially because they all wanted attention at the same time but we got by. The twins are very protective of their little sister and I'm glad to know that, after we had our daughter, a year later we moved out of the compound and into the house Wanda bought us.

Everyone was sad to see us leave but it had to happen. We are very private with our life and our kids as well so we don't go out without hiding their faces. The less the public knows about them the less dangers they are in. They do go out and play in the neighborhood and with Morgan and Clint kids. We had to sit the twins down and explain to them that this is a dangerous world and they need to use their powers for good and for protection but only then because no one can know about their powers. For toddlers their age they understood it pretty well, our daughter has Telepathy (mind reading). We found that out one morning when she was asking for ice-cream and I told her it was finished and Wanda asked me in my mind why can't she have ice-cream for breakfast and I told her that it was too early and I hid it and our daughter started crying saying its not too early for ice-cream.

I responded by telling her it was finished and she responded with "No you just told mama you hid it" and we were shocked so from then on we have to be careful about what we say in our minds. When she's a bit older Wanda will have to teach her to control and block out others thoughts. One night we were at dinner just being Quiet eating and she started crying saying too much noise, and it pained my heart to see her cry but Wanda knows how to help her and I'm thankful.

"Guys no jumping in the bed" I said sitting up to look at them all giggling. "You could hurt baby" My daughter said pointing to my belly, "Exactly you could hurt the baby" I said kissing my daughters face. We are at our fourth child now and we were surprised I was pregnant again,the last one was not planned but we are still happy and grateful.

We found out when Aurora kept saying baby and pointing to my belly. I always told her no baby and she kept saying baby in mommy's tummy and we checked it out after some time and she was right. I'm eight months along and we haven't told the avengers yet, well to be fair I found out at three months. The only person that knows is Bruce and I asked him if everything is okay because my belly is barely that noticeable and he said the baby is fine they are just a bit tiny.

We don't know the gender yet because we are waiting until I give birth, I rarely had morning sickness with this baby and I did realized I missed my period but I didn't really thought much about it because we didn't really plan another child but I guess somewhere in Wanda's mind she was thinking that. "Sorry mommy" the twins apologized and I hugged them kissing their faces.

"It's okay but you guys have to be careful okay" and they all nodded and I looked at Wanda who was fast asleep. "Do you guys want breakfast?" I asked and they nod and we got off the bed and they all fussed over who could hold my hands so I made them all hold hands while I held one.

We made it downstairs and they all sat in their chairs and I started preparing nuggets their favourite and when I was taking out the last one a bit of the oil nearly burned me but Pietro speeded over to me grabbing my hands moving me.

I stretched over and turned off the stove and crouched down to him, "Baby thank you for saving mommy but you could have gotten hurt and let mommy save you okay?" and he nod and I brought him back to his chair and gave them their nuggets. "I'm gonna wake up Mama okay" and they nodded and I kissed their foreheads and walked upstairs.

"Wands" I whispered shaking her and she mumbled something, "You need to wake up remember we are visiting Everyone today" I reminded her and she buried her face into the pillow and I sighed and got up and went back downstairs. "Where's Mama?" Aurora asked "Mama's tired" I answered and I gave them a shower when they finished eating, Rora first and then the twins. I got them all dressed and packed four sets of clothes because they are kids and they will get dirty quickly.

I then instructed that they go  watch television and wait for mommy and they listened. They are very disciplined and I love that about them and then I made my way into the shower, had a quick bath then walked out in an oversized T-Shirts and shorts and saw Wanda just waking up.

"You're finally up" I said and she looked at me and sighed, "I'm sorry honey I was tired" she said and I nod. "You need to get ready" I tell her and she comes behind me hugging me resting her hands on my belly. "Hey baby" she said, "Hi" I responded and she giggled. "I wasn't speaking to you" she said and I rolled my eyes. "To make it up for sleeping in I'll go get the twins ready" she offered. "Already did" I said, "I'll go make breakfast" she said smiling. "Done" I told her.

"Get everything packed?" And I chuckled, "I did everything, just go have a shower and meet us downstairs" I told her and she rubbed my belly. "Do you think I look fat again" I asked and she turned me around. "What no you look beautiful, you've always looked beautiful especially when you're pregnant you are glowing" she said and I kissed her. "Not only my breast" I asked and she smiled. 

"Nope all of you" and she went to take a shower and I packed everything in the car and the kids tried to help. When we were finished we all sat in the back seat with Aurora in my lap and the twins on their IPad. Wanda closed the front door and came outside and into the front seat and turned and kissed their faces. "Mama's late sorry" she apologized and they giggled.

"Let's get going now" she said and we started driving and I put Aurora on the seat and went to strap her in and she started fussing. "Rora I can't hold you and you need to be strapped down" and she continued her tantrum and rested her foot on the seat with her IPad in her hands. "Rora put down your foot now" Wanda said looking at her through the mirror and she put her foot down and cuddled into me. "Sorry mommy" she whispered and I kissed her forehead.

"It's okay let's strap you in"and she nod and cuddled back to me and I played in her curly hair. "I love your hair" I complimented and she laughed. "I got it from my mom and mama" she said and I tickled her. "Yes you did" and Wanda smiled and we pulled up at the compound.

"Now remember no one tells the team Mommy has a baby in her belly okay?" And they nodded and I lifted up Aurora and wands lifted up the twins letting the bags float and we scanned our fingertips and We put down the kids. "Go call everyone" and they all ran and I sat down. "Are you nervous?" She asked, holding my hands. "Not really" and everyone came downstairs and ran to hug me and Aurora shouted. "Stop you're gonna hurt mommy's baby" and everyone stepped back and the twins and Aurora surrounded my belly protecting it.

"Did you guys not understand the assignment?" I laughed. "You're Pregnant?" They all shouted, "Ohh flashback" I said chuckling. "No wonder you're always wearing oversized shirts and Hoodies when we come over" Tony said and I nodded. "Sorry I tried to think of a way to tell you but Rora already did" they all came and hugged me and we celebrated.

"So the big question, is it a boy or girl?" Yelena asked. "We actually don't want to know" Wanda answered and they all nod and started catching up and it started getting late. "This was fun but it's getting late we're gonna go" I said getting up. "What, you're leaving? you can't spend one day with us" Yelena groaned and Aurora snuggled to Natasha more. "Please" they all asked and I turned to Wanda ."sure we can stay another day" she said and they cheered and I sat back down. "Can you get me a drink please, no alcohol" I said and Wanda kissed me "I know"

1623 Words

Don't be upset with me for skipping four years please and no more kids I promise don't be upset

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