Queen and King

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I woke up to the twins giggling and I quickly brought them into a big hug. "My babies are home" I said and they giggled, "Hey lady Y/N" Thor spoke and I jumped a little shocked. "Jeez Thor" I said, "My apology but I need to speak to both you and Wanda" he said and I nod and turned to Wanda.

"Hey love, wake up" I said gently shaking her. "Mhm" she said opening her eyes, "Thor has something to tell us" I said and she nodded telling Thor to go on. "Would you be interested in coming to Asgard" he asked. "Sure maybe in December or November" Wanda said and I nod in agreement, "How about today?" He asked and we shook our heads No.

"Please Lady Y/N and Wanda I need you or rather Y/N to come to Asgard today" he pleaded, "And why is that?" I asked and he hesitated. "Because he told everyone on Asgard that the twins were his and that he is married to you ,now the whole Asgard requires your presence" Loki said walking in, "Thor" Wanda screamed at him and he started pleaded.

"Its just for a day please, Just walk around pretending to be my Wife, The twins are yours so you don't have to pretend ,you're a queen in my eyes so that part is already done please" he said and I was about to give in when Wanda spoke. "No" and held me close to her "Wait Wands, think about it. I heard Asgard is beautiful, I'll be a queen for the day" I said looking up at her. "His queen" she mumbled and I chuckled.

"Thor is very respectful so he won't try anything ,and we won't kiss or anything" I said and she thought about it and I gave her puppy eyes and told the twins to do the same. "Fine" she said and I squealed in excitement. "You guys have One hour" Loki said and Thor thanked us and we started getting ready. We took a shower and walked out with towels.

"What should we wear?" Wanda asked, "Your dresses and the twins suits are on Asgard ready for you" Loki said, appearing. "Do you guys not know how to knock?" I asked and he shrugged and  walked away. We decided on dressing in casual dresses and I started packing stuff for the twins.

I then went to look for them and saw everyone standing downstairs ready. "Where are you guys going?" I asked, "To Asgard with you guys" Yelena responded and I smiled. "Wouldn't miss you being a queen for the day" Natasha said and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Am I not a queen everyday?" I asked.

"Of course you are, you're my queen" Wanda said walking in and kissing me. "Whatever lets get going" El said and Wanda glared at her and I laughed. We walked to the gate thingy and all held hands (Tony,Loki,Thor,Bruce,Natasha,Yelena) Bucky and Steve wanted to stay home. We then went into this beautiful rainbow thing and I felt nauseous and the twins were giggling and soon enough we landed on Asgard.

I blinked a few times adjusting my eyes to my surroundings and I  was in shock. "Wow this place is beautiful" I said in aww and everyone agreed. "This way" Thor said leading us across a bridge to the palace. "There are Eight rooms in this hallway so everyone can have a room for their self and your dresses and suit will be delivered to you, YN you're in the first room" Loki said and I started heading for the room with Wanda and the twins and gasped when I saw our outfits.

"They're gorgeous" I whispered and we started getting ready. I let my hair out and brushed the twins hair and Wanda let her hair out too. "Are you sure you are not the Queen instead?" I asked when she was finished. "You look like a Goddess" she praised and I smiled and we kissed and heard a knock on the door and we took up the twins and headed out to be met by Thor. "Wow you look very Gorgeous my Queen" he said and I smiled, "Thank you" I responded and Wanda Scoffed and Everyone came out of their rooms looking gorgeous as well.

"You ladies look beautiful" Loki said to all of us and we thanked him and he brought a tiara and placed it on my head and actual little crowns for the twins. "Are you sure this isn't wrong?" I asked Thor and he nodded. "They will require your presence permanently but we will tell them you guys separated and You took the twins, but before that you might need to visit at least three more times" Loki said and I nod and we walked out.

 As we neared our destination, Wanda handed one of the twins to Thor, and I took the other. We walked hand in hand and were met with excited greetings from everyone. We made our way to the large eating table, where thousands of people were gathered. Thor and I sat in the larger chairs at the head of the table, and the twins sat in chairs in between us. Wanda sat near me around the table. Once we were all settled I made eye contact with Wanda and gave her a quick wink.

 "Welcome Queen YN Odinson and her heirs Aiden and Pietro Odinson" someone announced and I waved.
"Wow she's pretty" "Thor got lucky" "The prettiest mortal I have seen" "They make beautiful off-springs" "Definitely a goddess" I heard comments and some I smiled for and others I didn't.

"Mama hungry" Aiden said to Wanda but everyone thought it was me because Wanda was beside me. "You heard the little Princes, Lets feast" Thor said with a more masculine strong voice than usual and everyone started eating. Wanda and I  held hands under the table while Thor fed the twins occasionally. When everyone was finished eating we had to dance and Wanda held the twins.

"Thor I don't know how to dance" I whispered to him, "It's okay, just follow my lead" he said putting his hand around my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulder and we started swaying to the music. "Thank you for doing this" Thor whispered and I nod and when the dance died down I went around greeting people. "Hi I'm Sif" a beautiful girl came up to me shaking my hands.

"I'm YN" I introduced and she giggled, "I know you're Thor's Wife" and I squinted my eyes. "Right that was pretty obvious" and we laughed. "Wait you are Lady Sif one of Asgard's greatest Warriors. Thor speaks very highly of you" I said. "Really that's great Unfortunately I know nothing about you" she said chuckling. "What a husband Thor is" I joked and we spent some time talking and I have to give my self credit I was doing well so far answering everything correctly.

"YN may we have a word" Wanda said walking over to us, "Of course will you excuse me please" I said and Sif nodded. "It was good meeting you but other asgardians need to speak to you as well. I'll see you at the after party" she said and I told her bye. Wanda led me to a hallway and when we reached a dark place she kissed me and I was the one to break the kiss. "Wands, someone could catch us" I said giggling remembering those times when we just started dating and had to sneak around. "I'm sorry I missed you" she said and I quickly kissed her again and held her hands bringing us back in the room with everyone and We stood there together but at a safe distance.

"Hi YN" a little girl said running to me holding out her hands and I lifted her up, "You're really pretty Queen YN" she said and her voice was so adorable. "You're really pretty too" she said to Wanda. "You're beautiful and adorable" Wanda and I responded. "Will you leave Asgard?" She asked, "Unfortunately yes because I have my family back on earth" and she nodded in understanding.

"Who were the people that came with you?" she asked, "That's Natasha ,That's Yelena,That's Tony,That's Bruce" I said pointing to them. "What's her name?" she asked pointing to Wanda. "You can ask her" I said tickling her and she giggled, "What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Wanda and you are?" Wanda asked, "I'm Aurora" she said smiling. "That's what I would name my daughter if I had one" I told her. "I can be your daughter" she said and Wanda and I giggled and her parents came to us. "Hi queen YN" they both greeted me and I greeted back. "Hi uh?" They said to Wanda.

"I'm Wanda your daughter is very lovely" she said and they smiled, "Thank you Wanda" and they turned to their daughter. "Lets go Rory" they said stretching their arms towards her and she hid her head in my chest. "Aurora the queen has things to do" they said trying to convince their daughter but she shook her head No and clinged to me more. "It's okay really, I don't mind her company" I told them and they nod and kissed her forehead and went to dance and the twins ran to me.

"Mommy" they said stretching out their hands and I laughed and Wanda took them up and they made up their faces. "They get jealous like their mom" I whispered to Wanda and she rolled her eyes playfully and we spent the night dancing with the twins and Aurora while Thor and his Friends drank beer, men I thought and the twins started getting sleepy and Nat walked over.

"I'll hold them" she offered and I thanked her and we sat while I rocked Aurora to sleep. "M'n not tired" she said sleepy, "It's okay" I said and she started closing her eyes. "I want a daughter" Wanda whispered to me, "I want one too" I admit and she smiled. "But not now" and she groaned. "We can kidnap this one" she joked, "What no Wands" and we giggled and her parents thanked us retrieving their daughter from my arms and left.

"Now the after party for the King and Queen" Someone said and I got up and Walked to Thor. "What now?" I whispered to him, "We just answer their question and get drunk basically" he responded and I nodded. "When are you going back to earth?" One asked. "Tomorrow sadly I must be home" I answered, "You can't spend one day at your kingdom with your king" he said and everyone started agreeing. "You'll have to stay one more day" Loki said and I looked at Wanda and she shrugged.

"I'll stay one more day but earth needs back its mighty heroes" I said and they settled down. "How often do u plan to visit?" "The princes need to be here often", "they should train here", "You should stay here", "When do u plan on officially being Queen and do over your wedding here?" "The twins should say on Asgard with their kind." "They are worthy of the hammer so they should start training." "Earth can survive without her."

They all shouted at the same time and Wanda was about to run to me but I used my hands and told her no. "That is disrespectful for to shout at your Queen like this do you have no respect , she has her own choices whether or not she wants to remain here, is it your kids and not hers?  Apologize NOW" he shouted and I looked at him. Wow he's angry I thought and they all apologized.

"If you guys don't mind I need some fresh air " I said and walked out to relax, "I hoped you would follow me" I said and she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. "I hate that they were shouting at you all at once, I really hated when they spoke like the twins are a part of their kind" Wanda said and kissed my cheek. "I'm so sorry ,One more day and we will be home I'm sorry for making you say yes and making us come here" I apologized and she turned me around, "Its not that bad here" she chuckled and I held her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Ha I knew it" A voice behind us said .

2076 Words!!!!!!

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