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I woke up to the twins shaking me, "Mommy'' they cried and I got up showered and gave them a bath as well. When I was finished getting us ready we made our way downstairs. As I arrived into the kitchen I heard laughter and looked around the corner to see Y/N and Yelena laughing and way too close for my liking. I can't be jealous or think anything of it they are just bestfriend, now I know what Y/N felt when I usually hung out with Vision. Y/N has been here for a week now and I think she's slowly forgiving me, she genuinely looks at me but she hangs out with Yelena a lot, anyways back to now.

I walk into the kitchen and set the twins down on the ground, allowing them to run towards Y/N. As they settled with their mother, I begin cooking breakfast. For the babies, I made egg and bread with fruits, and for Y/N and me, I made pancakes. I walked over to Y/N and handed her the pancakes. As she began eating, I started feeding the twins, and Y/N couldn't help but stare at me. I heard her voice in my head, asking, "Why didn't you make breakfast for Yelena?" as to which I internally rolled my eyes. "She has hands doesn't she?" I replied. Y/N scoffed and handed Yelena her pancakes, saying she wasn't in the mood for them.

She made cereal and when I finished feeding the twins she took them up and left. "Real mature Wanda, Real mature" Yelena says looking at me and I scoffed. "What's your plan Yelena, Why are you getting so close to Y/N?" I asked.

"Are you Jealous?" she asked with a smug look on her face, "You know I can't believe you knew and didn't tell me, I missed everything from the twins powers, to their first teeth, first birthday, second Christmas" I said glaring at her. "Listen, you're the whole reason why your family went away okay, she would have left anyways, because of me you actually found her so you should be thanking me that I was there for them and that at least she trusted me to tell me she was leaving because if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have her back" she said calmly. "Whatever back off you're getting too close" I said and she stood up and whispered in my ear, "Or else What" and walked away.

I went up to the room and saw Y/N putting on different clothes on the twins. "Where are they going?" I asked. "Tony is taking them for the day" she said now packing a bag and I nodded and helped her. I picked up the twins and we made our way to the main entrance, I gave tony the twins and Y/N went to the pool and I followed. "What's your problem with Yelena?" she asked, swimming around. "I don't have a particular problem with Yelena; I just thought she was too close to you, but I realized it was silly, since we're not in the best terms and you don't really talk to Natasha anymore." After changing into my swimming clothes, I entered the pool, waiting to see her reaction. Eventually, she didn't seem to mind my presence and I slowly wrapped my arms around her, saying, "I miss you." Despite her not saying it back, I could hear her thoughts and knew she missed me too. I pulled her closer, and she seemed to relax. I then asked if she would like to have dinner with me, to which she agreed.

We are now getting ready for dinner and I'm putting on my dress when Y/N walks in. "I'm almost ready" I tell her and she sits on the bed admiring me. "You look pretty" she said and I chuckled "You look breathtaking" and she blushed looking away. When I was finished I held out my hands and she took it and we headed to the garage. We decided on taking her car and I started driving. I looked at her and she was looking at me but quickly looked away and I laughed and took one of her hands and placed it on the gear stick with my hands on top of hers and she looked down and smiled.

After a few minutes of driving I parked the car and she looked up at where we were and gasped smiling ''We came here for our first date'' she said and I smiled and helped her out the car, and we walked in hand-in-hand. We walked over to a table and sat down, We ordered our food and started staring at each other and we just started laughing and god I missed her laugh. Our food came and we ate and occasionally I would place my hands on top of hers.

We finished eating and I drove us to the park and we sat and started drinking our milkshake. I looked at her while she told me a story about the twins and we started laughing. "Okay so here's how it went with Yelena and the twins powers, she and the twins were playing hide and seek and she saw Aiden go under the bed and she went to find him and he teleported to the closet with Pietro and she was confused , she heard giggling and went to the closet and as she opened the door Pietro speeded past her with Aiden running and giggling. Yelena froze she was shocked the whole night" she finished giggling and I joined in.

"They don't know they have powers really, so using it is like playing. They only use it when they are scared, crying or playing. When they are older they will understand and can use it properly, I think that's why they were afraid of you last week because they never saw you like that before" she said and I nodded. We stayed quite just looking up at the stars, when she laid her head on my shoulder and I looked down at her and smiled.

We are now back at the compound and I'm carrying Y/N inside because she fell asleep in the car. I open the door to the living room to see Peter and Natasha playing with the twins. "Nat it's way past their bed time'' I say quietly trying not to wake Y/N. ''I know but no matter what I do they wouldn't go to bed" she said and the twins ran to me. "Mommy, Mama'' they said and I smiled.

"Nat can you bring them up?" I asked and she nod picking them up going upstairs. "Night Pete" I said going up the stairs with Y/N. Natasha laid them on the bed and I placed Y/N down and Natasha kissed her forehead sighing. "She'll come around soon'' I tell her and she hugged the twins and left.

I didn't want to but I started waking Y/N, "Hey you need to change out of these clothes" I tell her and she groans. "Change them for me" she said going back to sleep and I sighed changing her into our family PJs that I brought for us. I then changed the twins into a similar one and then myself. As I lay on the bed with the twins, Pietro snuggled close to me while Aiden cried, struggling to get under Y/N's shirt. It was too small, so I tried to get up and change him into a larger T-shirt. However, Pietro didn't want to let go, so I carefully lifted him up with one arm while attempting to change Aiden with the other. Finally, after some effort, I succeeded in changing him and he immediately snuggled up to Y/N's chest to drink his breastmilk. I lay back down, wrapped my arms around them, and smiled as they both grew quiet and still. We stayed like that for a while, feeling completely at peace.

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